The bloodthirsty prince and the cold concubine

Chapter 199 Changes in the World

Chapter 199 Changes in the World
All the officials were silent and began to eat delicious food one after another.

Lan Jingyang looked in Lan Zihan's direction, frowning all the time, she refused to look at him from the beginning to the end, she probably hated him to the core.

Lan Zihan leaned against Leng Yichen's arms, eating the lychees he peeled for her, without raising her head.She knew that someone on the other side was staring at her all the time, and she also knew that that person was Lan Jingyang, so she groaned in her heart and ignored it.

Leng Yichen looked directly at Lan Jingyang with his deep and dark eyes, and there was a hint of coldness and danger in his eyes.Although the little guy in his arms didn't mind, he didn't allow it, even if he was her father.Thinking of the word father, the coldness on his body became more and more obvious, and the darkness in his eyes gave people an invisible pressure.

All the ministers sensed this icy breath, looked up, then lowered their heads again, as if nothing happened, and continued to eat and drink fine wine.They had heard about the matter of Lan Jingyang and Lan Zihan, and they all expressed sympathy for Lan Jingyang. Such a good daughter could turn a blind eye for 14 years.Shaking his head, this matter is not something they can intervene in.

Leng Yufeng on the high platform had already noticed the unusual situation below, and smiled helplessly at the corner of his mouth, ignoring it.

He disapproves of Lan Jingyang's approach, but it's just that no one can save the matter.Lan Zihan has Leng Yichen by his side, so it won't be a big deal. As for Lan Jingyang, it's out of his consideration. Treating Lan Zihan like this, it's already good that his brother didn't kill him up.

Seeing that Lan Zihan was ignoring him all the time, Lan Jingyang didn't continue to look at him, and lowered his head to drink.

The banquet lasted for a whole morning and finally came to an end.

In 517 BC, the Kingdom of Huayu was destroyed and belonged to Tianchen, and the year name was 'Chen'.

The four kingdoms of the world are divided into three, Tianchen is the largest, the moon is the second, and Mengxi is the second.

At this time in Yuezhuo Kingdom, Yue Yexie led the army for seven or eight days, and had already arrived outside the imperial capital.

"Stop." Yue Yexie waved his right hand and said in a cold voice.

The army in the rear stopped one after another, waiting for orders.

"Qi, you go back to the Prince's Mansion first, and my highness will go to the palace." The corners of Yue Yexie's mouth slowly curled up, revealing a wicked smile.

"Yes, Your Highness. What about the woman in the carriage?" Chi replied respectfully, but frowned when he thought of the woman in the carriage.

Yue Yexie turned her head to look at the carriage behind her. The breeze blew past and lifted the curtain of the carriage, revealing the people inside.

The woman closed her eyes slightly, and even though her face was tired, she could still see her petite face and delicate facial features. She had a small oval face with picturesque eyebrows, and her long eyelashes covered her eyes like two small brushes.

Looking at her clothes again, there is a dark blue crystal on the right earlobe, inlaid on it, and the upper body is red, but it is very strange, there are no sleeves, and the whole arm is almost exposed.She wore black shorts on her lower body, and her entire white and slender legs were exposed.

I vaguely remember that their army camped in the forest that night. When they got up the next day, the soldiers reported that they found a woman lying not far from their camp.

Yue Yexie frowned slightly, he had never seen such a strange costume.This kind of clothing is too indecent, how decent it is.However, there seems to be no one dressed like this in the four countries. Who is this woman?

(End of this chapter)

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