Chapter 200
If Lan Zihan were here, she would recognize that this woman's clothes all came from the 21st century.Red shirt on top, denim shorts on bottom.

Yue Yexie frowned slightly, and a strangeness flashed in Xie Mei's eyes: "Take her to the Prince's Mansion, seek medical treatment from the imperial physician, and wait for His Highness to come back."

It has been more than two days since the woman appeared that day, but she has never woken up.There were some wounds on her body, and he couldn't tell what kind of weapon the wound was. The military doctor had bandaged her, but she still didn't wake up.

"Yes, Your Highness." Chi replied in a deep voice.Although he didn't understand why His Highness wanted to save this woman of unknown origin, he still obeyed the order, which was his duty.

"General Yu, take the army back to the barracks. The wounded soldiers should be recuperated by the military doctor." Yue Yexie looked at Yu Qiu and said in a deep voice.A pair of evil and charming eyes exuded a coldness at this moment, showing the majesty on his body.

"The general obeys orders." Yu Qiu stepped forward, clasped his fists and replied respectfully.

"Well, it's all gone." After Yue Yexie finished speaking, she turned her head to look at the imperial capital city, waved her whip, and walked forward, gradually disappearing from everyone's sight.
In the palace, the emperor Yue Lingtian was sitting high on the dragon chair, wearing a bright yellow dragon robe. He was over forty years old, and it was not difficult to see that he was a handsome man when he was young.A pair of eyes are silent, and a storm is brewing in the eyes: "The prince is self-righteous, making my Yuezhuo soldiers approach the city and besieged by Tianchen. He led troops to Mengxi and returned in failure. I really can't tolerate him, otherwise this The moon-turbid country will be defeated by him sooner or later."
With a few words, the eloquence was powerful, and it sounded like he was thinking about the country and the safety of the moon.

All the ministers in the palace did not speak, but listened silently.They all knew what Yue Lingtian meant by what he said, it was to fight against Yue Yexie.

They all knew about the relationship between Yue Lingtian and Yue Yexie, Yue Zhuo was in power on the surface, Yue Lingtian was actually Yue Yexie.

Yue Lingtian looked at the ministers in the palace, all lowered their heads, said nothing, furious in their hearts: "Don't expect Yue Yexie to come, he can't enter this palace, I have already planned to abolish his crown prince."

After the words fell, a large number of soldiers came in from outside the hall, holding long swords, unsheathed, and surrounded the ministers.

"Your Majesty, the army led by the humble servants has surrounded the palace, and the rest of the prince's party has been taken down." Zuo Xiang Xie Yuan reported in a deep voice.

He is the father of Empress Xie Minzhi, if the throne is taken by Yue Yexie, there will be no place for them, so he is on the side of Emperor Yue Lingtian.
"Your Majesty, what is the meaning of this?" You Xiangjiang Tingyu frowned slightly, and asked respectfully.

The rest of the ministers also looked at Yue Lingtian, waiting for his answer.

"The rest of Yue Yexie's party, all of them will be punished." Yue Lingtian glanced over the ministers in the audience, with a ruthless look in his eyes.

Not on his side, he has no need to keep them.

The ministers looked at the soldiers who quickly surrounded them, and heard Yue Lingtian's cold words, all of them were angry and panicked. If they didn't obey, they would solve it on the spot.

Such a ruthless emperor.

"Do you want to join me in fighting against Yue Yexie?" Yue Lingtian sat on the dragon chair, looking at the ministers, his voice was lazy, but it gave off a sense of majesty.

It has to be said that Yue Lingtian and Yue Yexie have similar personalities, they are both so lazy, but they are not to be underestimated.

(End of this chapter)

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