Chapter 202
"What the emperor said is very true. We have been old friends for many years, and I don't have the heart to kill you all. You should think about it carefully during this incense sticking time." Xie Yuan continued Yue Lingtian's words.

"What Prime Minister Xie said is very true. I have a fight with you monarchs and ministers, and I don't really have the heart to attack you. Lovers should think about it carefully and think carefully." Yue Lingtian naturally understood the meaning of Xie Yuan's words , Doing so will inevitably lose people's hearts.

The ministers heard Xie Yuan and Yue Lingtian's words, the corners of their mouths twitched, couldn't bear it?What is unbearable?Just now who ordered the right minister to be dealt with without saying a word, can you be more shameless?
"Your Majesty, please allow me to think about it for a while, and I will give you an answer after a stick of incense." Liu Xisheng, the servant of the Ministry of Civil Affairs, rolled his eyes, folded his hands and said respectfully.

The current situation is already a matter of fish and meat on the iron plate. Even if they don't want to, they can't be indifferent, otherwise Jiang Tingyu will be their end, and they believe that Yue Lingtian can do it.

The rest of the ministers glanced at each other, and they all understood the meaning of Liu Liuxisheng's words, and they all said in unison in a low voice: "Your Majesty, I will give you an answer after a stick of incense."

With Yue Yexie absent and the imperial palace surrounded, it was difficult for them to fly, and now they had only themselves to rely on.

"Okay, I know that all my loves understand the situation and understand the general situation, and I will give you a stick of incense time to think about it, but all my loves don't let me down." Yue Lingtian smiled slightly, and there was a flicker in his eyes. With a strange expression, the tone in his tone pointed.

"I will understand." Everyone whispered to each other, discussing in low voices.

Yue Lingtian looked at the movements of the crowd, a coldness flashed across his eyes, and then disappeared.

Time is like sand in the palm of your hand, the more you try to grasp it, the faster it slips away.

The time for a stick of incense can be said to be fast or slow.

For Baiguan, the time of burning incense passed very quickly.But for Yue Lingtian, this stick of incense has passed for a long time, and he has no patience.

"The time for a stick of incense has passed, can the lovers discuss the result?" Yue Lingtian squinted his eyes slightly, leaned on the dragon chair, and looked at everyone in the audience.

Although the tone is light, it gives people a sense of threat.

All the officials looked at each other, all looking at Yue Lingtian, without speaking.

"Could it be that the Qing family hasn't reached a conclusion through discussion, huh?" Yue Lingtian sat upright, looking at the people in the hall, with a gloomy tone in his tone.

Xie Yuan said at the right time from the side: "The emperor has given you too much time. What's so good about His Royal Highness? He seeks to usurp the throne, kills his brother and forces his father. Such a person will only bring disaster to me. How can a person who is full of conscience and devoid of humanity be in charge of our country and take on such a big responsibility."

All the ministers were speechless, and looked at each other with different expressions in their eyes.

Although Xie Yuan said that he was speaking for Yue Lingtian, there was some truth in what he said.Yue Yexie killed all the princes of the royal family overnight. This has never happened since ancient times. Such actions are really frightening.

But whoever is in charge of this Yuezhuo is the best, it must be Yueyexie, he has that ability and strategy.

The ministers were thinking all kinds of things, and couldn't make up their minds for a while.

"What. The Qing family hasn't made up their mind yet?" Yue Lingtian saw the hesitation of the crowd, and added a threat at the right time.

(End of this chapter)

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