Chapter 203
The ministers were at a loss and did not know how to choose.

However, after all, some people couldn't sit still.

"Your Majesty, I am willing to serve you loyally to the Emperor." Jian Yu, the household servant, stood up and said respectfully.

It's not that he doesn't know the consequences of choosing Yue Lingtian, but compared to this, the current situation does not allow him to hesitate, and he cherishes his life very much.

"Your Majesty, this humble minister is also willing to be loyal to the Emperor."

"." With the leadership of the servant of the household department, some other ministers also stepped forward to express their positions.

The thoughts in their hearts are similar to Jian Yu's. It's not easy for them to have their current status. They don't want to die yet. Nothing is more tempting than power and money.

A small number of ministers had already stood up, standing on the left side one after another, while the ministers on the right side did not move, still standing where they were.

"Okay, you are all my good ministers." Yue Lingtian looked at the ministers on the left and smiled slightly.

Then he suppressed his smile, looked at a group of ministers on the right with cold eyes, and said sinisterly: "All the Qings have chosen to stand on Yue Yexie's side, right?"

"I swear to protect His Highness the Crown Prince to the death, I have nothing to say." Ji Shuxuan, the servant of the Ministry of War, raised his eyes to look directly at Yue Lingtian, and said in a deep voice.

As the Minister of the Ministry of War, he is in charge of some military power, and his personality is relatively straightforward, so he said what he said at this time.

Yue Lingtian looked at Ji Shuxuan with a pair of eyes, and smiled slightly: "Ji Aiqing, I have always liked your temperament, but" the words paused, and the eyes gradually became cold: "Since you have lost your mind, then I can't say anything gone."

"Come on, do it." He shouted loudly, ordering the soldiers in a deep voice.

Since such a person is not for his own use, then get rid of it.

The soldiers in the hall nodded, and quickly stepped forward, holding a long sword, and were about to make a move, when an evil voice suddenly came from outside the hall.His body was also suddenly hit by a sharp blade, and he flew backwards, spit out a mouthful of blood, and died straight away.

"Who dares to do it."

Yue Lingtian paused slightly, his pupils slightly opened, and his eyes were fixed on the entrance of the main hall.

He recognized that the voice was none other than Yue Yexie whom he was hostile to.

The ministers in the center of the hall also recognized who the voice was, and turned their heads to look at the source of the voice.

Yue Yexie wore a long purple robe, and with a wicked smile on her lips, she walked towards the hall with strides.

"Father, why is it so motivating, and I don't wait for my ministers to participate." Yue Yexie stood in the hall, her evil eyes staring straight at Yue Lingtian on the high platform.

"Hmph, you made a mess of me, Yuezhuo, what are you talking about?" Although Yue Lingtian was very surprised about how Yue Yexie arrived in the imperial capital, he didn't receive any news.However, it doesn't matter anymore, the situation at this time is under his control, so what if he comes back?

"Er Chen is only focused on Yuezhuo, why is it such a mess?" Yue Yexie smiled, and the aura on his body was slightly exuded.

"Tianchen led troops to attack me, Yuezhuo, and you led troops to Mengxi and returned in failure. You said, isn't this a mess? As a prince, you are so careless in doing things. What use is there for you? From now on, you will no longer It's the prince, and I will abolish your position as the prince." Yue Lingtian looked directly at Yue Yexie and said coldly.

(End of this chapter)

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