The bloodthirsty prince and the cold concubine

Chapter 225 Going to the Prime Minister's Mansion 3

Chapter 225 Going to the Prime Minister's Mansion 3
Lan Jingyang was left speechless by her question, his body shook slightly, thinking of the woman who was by his side, never crying or fussing, always extremely gentle, with a heart tied to him, full of love for him woman, his heart throbbed.

Guilt and grief gradually filled his eyes, his green face.

It was him, it was him who listened to other people's one-sided words, that made her suffer so much. She lived alone with her child in a remote backyard, and she alone suffered his ruthless abandonment.And denying that Lan Zihan was his daughter, how painful and disappointed she was at that time.

"It's my fault, it's all my fault." Lan Jingyang repeated this sentence in his mouth alone.

Lan Zihan looked at the painful look in his eyes, and a coldness appeared on the corner of his mouth, do you think that Jiulan Qingyan can come back to life?If it was true love, how could it have made that mistake in the first place.

"Fourth Sister, this matter is over, the deceased is safe, and Si Niang knows that she will let it go under the underground spring." Lan Zuoxuan looked at Lan Jingyang's situation at this time, and finally couldn't bear it, but he didn't worry about it. When he speaks, he just states the facts.

"Well, big brother, I know." Lan Zihan nodded, she knew that if Jiulan Qingyan knew about the situation in the underground, she would forgive Lan Jingyang according to her gentle and kind nature.

However, Jiulan Qingyan is Jiulan Qingyan, she is her, and cannot be confused with her. She has a very bad impression of Lan Jingyang, and she has no good impressions. If not for today's incident, she would never have entered the prime minister's residence.

"Prime Minister Lan, this king and Han are here for business, so restrain your emotions." Leng Yichen narrowed his staring eyes, looked at Lan Jingyang, and said in a cold voice.

He also didn't have a good impression of Lan Jingyang.

Lan Jingyang was still immersed in his own thoughts at first, but now under the coercion of Leng Yichen, he finally regained his mind.

He sorted out his emotions, and respectfully said to Leng Yichen: "My lord, this humble minister is rude."

Leng Yichen snorted coldly, but did not speak.

Lan Zihan stared at Lan Jingyang with her phoenix eyes, and said in a deep voice, "I came today to ask about my mother."

"If the princess has anything to say, feel free to ask." Lan Jingyang replied in a deep voice.

"I just want to know, how did you meet my mother?" Lan Zihan stared at him coldly, this is the question she wanted to ask today.

She didn't understand why Jiulan Qingyan was willing to marry him and stay here.

If she is afraid of being chased and killed by the people from the dark palace, that is not very possible. She should know that Jiulan Yunbo and Hua Xiyan will not let her go despite their love for her.

"That was when I was traveling, and I met Qingyan in the river. At that time, she passed out on the bank of the river for some unknown reason. I found her, and then brought her to the Prime Minister's Mansion to recuperate. After that, we fell in love with each other for a long time." Lan Jing Yang recalled the scene at that time, with a trace of nostalgia in his eyes.

"Then didn't my mother tell you her identity?" Lan Zihan frowned, this is the key point.

Lan Jingyang shook her head: "I asked the doctor to treat Qingyan. The doctor said that her head was hit and lost her original memory. The only thing she remembers is her name, and she doesn't know anything else."

Regarding the matter of Jiulan Qingyan, he did not investigate and delve into it. Since he had forgotten it, he would start over.

(End of this chapter)

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