The bloodthirsty prince and the cold concubine

Chapter 226 Going to the Prime Minister's Mansion 4

Chapter 226 Going to the Prime Minister's Mansion 4
Lan Zihan suddenly realized, and Danfeng narrowed her eyes slightly. It turned out that it was because of this that she chose to stay here instead of looking for Jiulan Yunbo and the others.

Leng Yichen also understood at this moment, stretched out his hand to hold Lan Zihan's hand, exerting a little force.

Lan Zihan raised her head, looked directly at him with her phoenix eyes, nodded, and smiled at each other.

"I'm sorry to bother you today, so I'll take my leave first." Lan Zihan stood up and said in a deep voice.

Leng Yichen also stood up, hugged her, and walked out of the hall.

"Wait a minute." Lan Jingyang suddenly stopped them.

The two turned their heads and looked at him.

"Why did you suddenly ask about your mother, you have never asked before." Lan Jingyang was puzzled, this is what he didn't understand.

Lan Zuoxuan had been sitting by the side since just now, without interrupting, just quietly listening to the conversation of several people.

Lan Zihan snorted coldly, and the cold light in her phoenix eyes flashed, she stared straight at Lan Jingyang: "Are you overstepping? Is it possible that I still need you to ask about my work?"

Lan Jingyang's face turned red, and a flash of anger flashed in his eyes, but he was finally suppressed: "Princess forgives the sin, it's the humble minister who overstepped."

How could he have forgotten that she is no longer as simple as her daughter.

However, he also forgot that in Lan Zihan's heart, he was nothing at all, so why did he say father and daughter.

"The prime minister is getting old. If you don't want to be this official anymore, I can talk to the emperor at any time, and the emperor will understand." Leng Yichen's eyes as deep as the sea flashed a gloomy look, and he didn't miss Lan Jing Anger flashed across Yang's eyes.

Just now he and Lan Zihan listened to the conversation between him and Lan Zuoxuan outside the hall.

"I don't dare, I will definitely remember this lesson." Lan Jingyang bent over and spoke respectfully.

If he removes the position of prime minister, how will he support himself and the people in his family.

"Brother, if you are free next time, you can come to Chenwang Mansion to look for Fourth Sister. Now I have something to do, so I will leave first." Lan Zihan looked at Lan Zuoxuan with her eyes, and said in a deep voice.

"Well, I will stay for a few more days, there is no rush." ​​Lan Zuoxuan smiled at Lan Zihan and said softly.

Leng Yichen looked at the smile on his mouth, frowned slightly, hugged Lan Zihan and walked out of the hall.

When Xi Lei, who was waiting outside the hall, saw the two coming out, he automatically followed and left together.

When the sight of Leng Yichen and the others disappeared, Lan Jingyang went to the table and sat down, poured himself a cup of tea, looked at Lan Zuoxuan, and said in doubt: "Xuan'er, do you know that your fourth sister asked What is the reason for Qingyan?"

There is always a slight doubt and puzzlement in his heart.

Lan Zuoxuan shook his head and smiled slightly: "I don't know, it must be that Simei misses Siniang, so I came to ask about her."

"Oh, it should be, Xuan'er, I'm a little tired today, so I'll go back to my room to rest." Lan Jingyang thought of Jiulan Qingyan, and felt guilty for a while.

"Okay, father, take a good rest." Lan Zuoxuan nodded and said softly.

After Lan Jingyang left, a hint of doubt flashed across Lan Zuoxuan's gentle eyes, recalling what Lan Zihan and the others had just said in his mind, suddenly, his eyes widened slightly.

Jiulan Qingyan, Jiulan.Who in this world has the surname Jiulan, and there is no such surname in the Four Kingdoms.Except that he was lucky enough to read it in an ancient book.
(End of this chapter)

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