Chapter 227 Her Decision
Lan Zuoxuan's pupils shrank slightly, as if he couldn't believe it.

Jiulan Yunbo, Jiulan Qingyan.

Yes, yes, in this world, there is no one whose surname is Jiulan again, except for the Lord of the Blood Palace who once dominated the world, no one else.

There was a flash of clarity in his eyes, it turned out that Lan Zihan and the others knew that her identity was different, so they came to question her.With Leng Yichen's mind, they must have known it already.

He shook his head helplessly. He couldn't control so much who was right and who was wrong. She had to make her own decisions about these matters.

That her is naturally Lan Zihan.

Chenwang Mansion.

When Leng Yichen and Lan Zihan returned to the palace, they went directly to the room.

"Chen, I decided to go with Mo Wuchen and the others." Lan Zihan thought about it, but decided.

Thinking that the countries are calm now, there will be no chaos for the time being, so she wants to take this opportunity to go.Although those people had nothing to do with her, it was just that she needed to do something for the original owner. Thinking of the gentle and elegant woman in her memory, she felt a strange feeling in her heart.

She has never had motherly love and fatherly love, and family affection is something she has never experienced before.

"Okay, I'll go with you." Leng Yichen smiled fondly.

Whatever decision she makes, he will follow.

"Well, good." Lan Zihan pursed her lips slightly and smiled sweetly.

Leng Yichen stepped forward, hugged her in his arms, and was about to bow his head to kiss her red lips.

"My lord."

A respectful voice came from outside the room unexpectedly.

"Damn it." Leng Yichen cursed in a low voice, his brows were slightly furrowed, and a touch of coldness and displeasure rose from his body.

If anyone's good deeds are disturbed, it is estimated that they will have a bad face.

Lan Zihan giggled a few times in his arms, feeling very happy.

"My lord." Xi Lei did not hear Leng Yichen's voice, and called out again.

"Come in." Leng Yichen frowned slightly, Xilei and the others knew him well, if there was nothing to do at this time, they would not rush to disturb him.

Hearing the slight displeasure in Leng Yichen's voice, Xi Lei trembled, with an expression of wanting to cry, he wouldn't disturb the prince's good deeds.The relationship between the prince and the concubine has only warmed up, and it seems that he really came at the wrong time.

It's just that he has something to report and must come here.

Pushing open the door and entering, I respectfully reported: "Your Majesty, there is news from the palace. The empress is happy. The emperor has called you into the palace."

"Well, I got it, go down and get ready, and then I can enter the palace." Leng Yichen frowned slightly, the imperial sister-in-law was pregnant at this time.

"Yes, the subordinate is resigning." Xi Lei exited the room, closed the door and left.

"Chen, it's a good thing that the emperor's sister-in-law is pregnant, what's the matter with you?" Lan Zihan noticed that something was wrong with Leng Yichen, and asked in confusion.

"Han, Brother Huang won't summon me at will." Leng Yichen stroked her hair, frowning.

Once Lan Zihan was reminded by him, she also got a slightly serious expression: "Well, then you will find out when you go."

Leng Yichen lowered his head, covered her red lips, pried open her white teeth, and stormed the city.

Lan Zihan put her arms around his neck and responded.

After the two entangled for a while, Leng Yichen let her go.

"Han, I'll go to the palace first, and I'll talk to you when I come back." Leng Yichen smiled dotingly.

"Okay, let's go." Lan Zihan nodded, her phoenix eyes looked directly at him.

Leng Yufeng should have something to discuss with him, she just waited for him to come back.

(End of this chapter)

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