The bloodthirsty prince and the cold concubine

Chapter 237 Her Cause of Death 1

Chapter 237 Her Cause of Death 1
Inside the Hall of Mental Cultivation, Yue Lingtian sat blankly at the table, his eyes were in a trance, and he looked up at the sky outside the window.

"The Emperor is here."

There was a soft and shrill voice from outside the door.

There was no abnormality in Yue Lingtian's body, and he was still looking at the sky.

The door of the room was pushed open, and Yue Yexie went down, wearing a bright yellow dragon robe without changing, and went directly to the Hall of Mental Cultivation.

"Go down." Yue Yexie looked at the other people in the room and said in a deep voice.


The maids all left the room one after another.

"Royal father." Yue Yexie looked at Yue Lingtian who was sitting blankly in front of the window, and the corners of his mouth curled up slightly, calling out.

Yue Lingtian's body froze slightly, his dazed eyes finally regained his sanity, he turned his head to look at Yue Yexie who was wearing a bright yellow dragon robe, and said in a cold voice: "Today is as you wished, you are enthroned as emperor. "

Hearing the lively and festive sound of horns outside, and seeing Yue Yexie's bright yellow dragon robe, he already knew that he had ascended the throne today.

There was a hint of sarcasm at the corner of his mouth, he was sick, hehe, it was really ridiculous.

"Where is the father, if you are unwell, it is natural for the son to take the throne." Yue Yexie walked to the table and sat on the chair, poured a cup of tea, and sipped it lightly.

He could naturally hear the irony in Yue Lingtian's words, but so what?
He never cared about what other people think, even for Yue Lingtian.

"Hehe, I'm in poor health. I'm afraid that after a while, it will be reported that I'm seriously ill and passed away." Yue Lingtian also poured a cup of tea for herself, sipped her mouth lightly, and her tone was even more mocking.

"Father said this, you are in such good health, and I only let you come to this Hall of Mental Cultivation to rest because of your sympathy. After so many years, Father must be tired." Yue Yexie had a faint smile on his face Smiling, staring at Yue Lingtian.

What he said seemed to be really for Yue Lingtian's sake.

"Hmph, Yi'er gave birth to you, but you repay her like this, you are such a good son." Yue Lingtian looked at Yue Yexie with dark eyes, and gritted his teeth.

Clenching his fists tightly, his gentle and kind Yi'er was all harmed by the evil moon night, and she passed away so early.

Yue Yexie stood up abruptly, with a hint of sarcasm on the corner of her mouth, and a cold look in her eyes: "Father, don't you really know how your son, minister, mother and concubine died?"

My thoughts gradually turned back, 19 years ago, it was summer.

On a scorching summer day, the sun in the sky was particularly bright.

In the gazebo, a five-year-old boy was nestled in the arms of a gentle woman, with an innocent smile on his delicate face, he asked with a smile: "Mother, why didn't father come today?"

His father would visit his mother and concubine every day, why he didn't come today, his little head was full of curiosity and doubts.

The woman's fair face, curved willow eyebrows, and thin lips that were not stained but vermilion were extremely beautiful. Her slender hands gently stroked and patted the boy's back.

Listening to his question, the gentle smile on the corner of his mouth froze for a moment, a look of sadness flashed across his eyes, and then he returned to normal. 
She smiled softly: "Xie'er, your father is busy today and will come to see you another day, Xie'er don't disturb your father, do you understand?"

The boy raised his head and nodded with a smile: "Yes, concubine mother, I understand."

Then, lying in the woman's arms, talking and having fun with her, it was so warm.

(End of this chapter)

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