The bloodthirsty prince and the cold concubine

Chapter 238 Her Cause of Death 2

Chapter 238 Her Cause of Death 2
"Hey, why didn't my sister stay with the emperor today, she has time to hang out and enjoy the cool."

A woman's voice came from not far away, with a harsh tone.

Feng Ruoyi turned her head to look at the source of the voice, and pursed her lips with a smile: "Where is the sister, the emperor is busy with state affairs, how can the concubine keep disturbing him."

She knew that the concubines in the harem didn't like her because she occupied the emperor's favor.However, how did they know the sadness behind her.

The woman strolled to the gazebo and sat down at the stone table, and the maid beside her poured a cup of tea for her.

She took a sip of her tea, and said sarcastically, "My sister must be angry because the emperor went to Concubine Ru's today."

There was a flash of grief in Feng Ruoyi's eyes, and then he smiled: "Sister, these are common things. We are all the emperor's concubines, and we all need to serve him as best we can, so how can we be angry?"

As one of the countless concubines in the harem, although she is favored by Yue Lingtian, how can she enjoy it all by herself? This is impossible, and she does not expect it.

But, thinking of it still hurts.

"Mother and concubine, what are you talking about?" Yue Yexie poked her head out of Feng Ruoyi's embrace, and asked suspiciously.

He couldn't understand what the woman was talking to the concubine mother, but he could tell that the concubine mother was unhappy when this woman came, and he could feel it.

"Go away, I don't like you, don't bother me and my concubine mother." Yue Ye stared at the woman viciously.

He didn't like this woman, and he was unhappy after messing with his mother.

The woman's face turned red, and she stared at Yue Yexie viciously: "You are so bold, you don't understand the distinction between elders."

"Hmph, you're making my mother and concubine unhappy, go away." Yue Yexie snorted.

"Is this how my sister trains the little prince? She doesn't understand the rules." The woman looked at Feng Ruoyi with eyes full of resentment, and said sarcastically.

"Sister's words are wrong. Children are ignorant, how can my sister argue with him, she has lost her status." A coldness flashed in Feng Ruoyi's gentle eyes.

It doesn't matter what others say about her, but she doesn't allow anyone to say that she is evil.

"Xie'er, go back to the palace with mother and concubine." Feng Ruoyi stood up, hugged Yue Yexie with a gentle smile, and walked out of the pavilion.

"Okay, concubine mother." Yue Yexie grinned and hugged Feng Ruoyi's neck.

The woman looked at the behavior of the two as if there was no one else around, and didn't put her in her eyes at all, as if she was a transparent person, the sinister color in her eyes became more and more intense, and her fists were tightly clenched.

"The emperor is here."
A soft and shrill voice came from not far away.

"The concubine has seen the emperor." Feng Ruoyi had just walked a few steps with Yue Yexie in his arms. Hearing this voice, he stopped and waited for Yue Lingtian's arrival.

"Royal Father." Yue Yexie saw Yue Lingtian's figure in Feng Ruoyi's arms, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, and shouted loudly.

When the woman saw Yue Lingtian's figure, a strange look flashed in her eyes, and she also walked forward slowly, bending slightly: "The concubine has seen the emperor."

"Let's all get up." Yue Lingtian smiled slightly, and he was only three meters away from several people.

"Thank you, Your Majesty." Both of them responded softly, and then stood up.

The woman saw the timing, and with her hand hidden in her sleeve, shot a silver needle towards Yue Yexie in Feng Ruoyi's arms.

(End of this chapter)

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