The bloodthirsty prince and the cold concubine

Chapter 239 Her Cause of Death 3

Chapter 239 Her Cause of Death 3
Before she entered the palace, she had learned some martial arts. At this time, the silver needle that flew into Yue Yexie's body would melt when it entered the body, and it would only bring a sense of pain to the person who received the needle.

"Ah..." Yue Yexie lay in Feng Ruoyi's arms, a sudden pain came from her body, and she shivered.

When Feng Ruoyi was getting up, he was startled by Yue Yexie's sudden cry, and quickly asked in a startled voice, "Xie'er, what's wrong?"

She sensed something wrong in his voice.

"It hurts." Yue Yexie frowned tightly, her delicate face distorted by the pain.

"Xie'er, what's the matter? Let the emperor take a look." Yue Lingtian also came to a few people at this time,

He took Yue Yexie from Feng Ruoyi's hands, and asked with a frown, with a hint of worry on his brows.

The few of them were on a bridge at this time, with a river on both sides.

When Yue Lingtian took over Yue Yexie, he accidentally bumped into Feng Ruoyi because of his too fast movements.

"Plop." Feng Ruoyi was hit by his arm, and one of them lost his footing, and fell towards the river, causing splashes of water.

"Help." Feng Ruoyi was struggling on the surface of the water, she couldn't swim.

Because of the rapid flow of water, she was washed into the middle of the river.

"Yi'er." Yue Lingtian was shocked, and immediately called the guards to go into the water to save her.

"Concubine Mother, Imperial Father, hurry up and save Concubine Mother." Yue Yexie held her heart tightly, shaking Yue Lingtian's arm, and looked at Feng Ruoyi nervously.

"Xie'er is not in a hurry, someone has already gone down, Yi'er will be fine." Yue Lingtian comforted Yue Yexie.

The guards on the side jumped into the water one by one, but the current was too fast and they couldn't swim to the middle of the river quickly.

"Your Majesty, save me." Feng Ruoyi kept struggling in the water, begging Yue Lingtian for help, his strength had gradually disappeared and he became weak, he had already drank several mouthfuls of water, and his body sank toward the bottom of the river.

"Yi'er." Yue Lingtian watched Feng Ruoyi's body sinking into the water, unable to calm down anymore, put down Yue Yexie and jumped into the water, swimming towards Feng Ruoyi.

When Feng Ruoyi was rescued ashore, Feng Ruoyi had already lost her breath, her face was pale without a trace of blood, and without any breath of life, she lay quietly on the cold ground.

"Concubine Mu, wake up, concubine mother." Yue Yexie threw herself into Feng Ruoyi's arms, shaking her body.

However, he could never call back his concubine mother.

Consciousness gradually returned, Yue Yexie's mouth was sullen, and she looked at Yue Lingtian with sharp eyes: "My mother and concubine died because of you. She is so close, but you called the guards, all because of you."

Yue Lingtian's body shook slightly, and he backed away until he collapsed on the ground, unconscious, and kept muttering in his mouth: "It was me, I was the one who killed Yi'er, hehe, it turned out that I was the one who killed Yi'er." Yier is dead."

He just came to his senses at this time, he has been refusing to admit it, he has been blaming Yue Yexie for Feng Ruoyi's death.

It's just that the cause of all this is because of him.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" Yue Lingtian held his head and cried out in pain.

Thinking of the scene where Feng Ruoyi begged him for help, he felt a burst of grief.

Why he didn't save Yi'er in the first place was all his fault, it was he who killed his gentle and kind Yi'er.

(End of this chapter)

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