Chapter 240 Revenge on him 1
"Your great face, your majesty that cannot be provoked by others, just because of these ridiculous things, you didn't save my mother and concubine, you killed my mother and concubine." Yue Yexie's eyes had no temperature, coldly Looking at Yue Lingtian.

He hated, hated how weak he was back then, and also hated Yue Lingtian for not being the first to rescue him.

So, he started to grow up, disguised himself, made himself stronger, then took revenge on him, and then obliterated those who had treated his mother and concubine badly and badly to him.

He, Yue Yexie, is no longer the Yue Yexie of the past, now he is at the top, no one can do anything to him, the whole moon is under his control, whoever he wants to die will die.

It's just that none of these can be exchanged for his mother and concubine.

"I" Yue Lingtian slumped on the ground, raised his eyes to look at Yue Yexie, those eyes were very similar to his Yi'er.

Heart infinite nostalgia and grief.

"For you, you have three thousand beauties in your harem and countless concubines, so naturally you don't care about my mother and concubine alone, right, so what dote on my mother and concubine is just to satisfy your dirty heart, You never really loved my concubine mother." Yue Yexie coldly interrupted him before he could finish his sentence.

He once thought that Yue Lingtian was special to his mother and concubine, and most of his favors were given to his mother and concubine.

It's just that he was wrong, big mistake, he was wrong.

In this palace, there are no real feelings, only hypocrisy, intrigues and mutual struggles.

Although Yue Lingtian treats his mother and concubine very well on the surface, in the eyes of outsiders, his mother and concubine enjoy Yue Lingtian's only love.Who knew that behind that glamorous appearance, his mother and concubine once cried secretly by herself, and were sad for that man.

Until that time, when his mother and concubine fell into the river, and Yue Lingtian's series of actions, he already understood that what Yue Lingtian loved the most was himself, and his mother and concubine was just one of his many women. .

He hates this hypocritical love, so he never believes that it is enough for him to work hard to get what he wants.

"Since ancient times, it is very natural for each emperor to have three thousand beauties in the harem. Otherwise, how would you conceive princes, how would this moon be passed down to others. How can the concubines in the harem be as important as the whole country." Yue Ling When Tian was accused by Yue Yexie, he couldn't help feeling a little sullen in his heart.

As the king of a country, how can he have too many loves for his sons and daughters, these are insignificant compared with his country. 
"If you want, why not, but you are not worthy at all." Yue Yexie showed a sneer at the corner of his mouth.

If it's true love, why would you care about these things.

Emperor Tianchen Leng Yufeng still only married one wife, and there was only one person in the harem.

Who is going to criticize, who is going to say what is the reason, a woman must not interfere with the feelings of the king of a country too much.

What Yue Lingtian said was simply a lie, very ridiculous.

Yue Lingtian was speechless after being hit by him, his complexion was terribly dark.

At the same time, I was thinking about his words in my heart.Gradually, a relieved and wry smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

He is so pitifully stupid, all the reasons are just his excuses, hehe, Yue Yexie is right, he is really unworthy.

He didn't deserve to love his Yi'er, he failed Yi'er, such a good person.

A little liquid flowed from the corner of his eyes, and his heart was mixed with sorrow and regret.

Yue Yexie looked at his painful expression, the liquid in the corners of his eyes, and the coldness in the corners of his mouth did not decrease at all.

(End of this chapter)

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