The bloodthirsty prince and the cold concubine

Chapter 244 Reaching the Blood Palace 2

Chapter 244 Reaching the Blood Palace 2
Even Lan Zihan was also attracted by the scenery in front of him.

The beauty is so ethereal, the beauty is so illusory, the beauty is so unreal, as if it came from a fairyland.

The surrounding air is so fresh, bringing people a sense of refreshment and relaxation.

The corners of her mouth slowly curled up. It turned out that this is the hidden place that Hua Xiyan wanted to live in peace with the world. It's really not bad.

The stalwart figure, arrogant and arrogant Leng Yichen appeared in his mind, and the smile on the corner of his mouth deepened.

She only likes the place with him.

No matter how beautiful it is here.

"Wow, second sister-in-law, this place is so beautiful." Leng Luoyan looked at the scenery here curiously, which really shocked him too much.

He had never seen such a beautiful place, like a fairyland.

"Yes, Boss, it's so beautiful here." Li Feng couldn't help sighing.

"Pretty, you guys stay here and don't go back." Lan Zihan said while squinting at them.

"Second sister-in-law, this place is beautiful, but it's not my home, so I don't want to stay here." Leng Luoyan shook his head and said firmly.

Although he is attracted by the scenery here, he will not stay because of this.

His home is in Tianchen, where his family and friends live, and that is where he lives.

"Yeah, boss, this is not our home against the sky, we have to go back." Li Feng took the lead and said.

The rest of the guards also echoed.

A smile flashed across Lan Zihan's eyes, but she didn't speak.

"Brother Luoyan, you don't want to stay here, but it's fine to play here." Li Shang put a hand on Leng Luoyan's shoulder, and the two brothers said happily.

This is his home, and he likes it very much. He hasn't come back for several years, and he still has nostalgia.

After all, everyone grows up in a different place, he has lived here since he was a child, and Leng Luoyan and the others live in Tianchen, so he understands their thoughts very well at this moment.

Leng Luoyan hammered Li Shang's chest with one hand, and smiled with his lips curled up: "I don't play around, how can I be worthy of my trekking over mountains and rivers?"

Even though he said so, he did not forget his purpose of accompanying Lan Zihan this time.

"Well, you must come to my house to do it." Li Shang doll's face was full of smiles, and she was in a very happy mood.

"It's getting dark today, it's not suitable to hurry. Let's rest for one night and hurry tomorrow. We can arrive in half a day." Mo Wuchen looked at Lan Zihan and said softly.

It's getting dark now, they shouldn't hurry, anyway, they have already arrived here, so there is no rush for such a short time.

"Well, then rest here for the night." Lan Zihan raised her eyebrows and nodded in agreement.

She is not bad at this time, anyway, she will see her sooner or later, she is not in a hurry.

"Yunbo, tell me, when will Wuchen Lishang and Han'er arrive?" A female voice was slightly puzzled.

The woman was wearing a long white dress with some pear blossoms on the skirt.Her skin was fair, and her eyes were clear with a hint of vicissitudes.Nearly 50 years old, like a 35-year-old woman, she still has charm and does not look old at all.There is a hint of vicissitudes in her clear eyes, she is beautiful and intelligent, her kindness is gentle, her kindness is blue, and her forest atmosphere is fully displayed on her body.

"Yan'er, don't worry, Wuchen sent a message half a month ago that they are heading here, and they will probably be here soon." A man's voice sounded.

The man's voice was like a bell, and there was endless pampering in his voice.

(End of this chapter)

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