The bloodthirsty prince and the cold concubine

Chapter 245 Reaching the Blood Palace 3

Chapter 245 Reaching the Blood Palace 3
The man is dressed in black. Although he is over 50 years old, he looks like he is in his 40s. His good-looking features are as handsome as a knife, and his whole body is full of pampering, but there is a wild look in his eyes. He is bold and bold, adding a lot of style to his whole person.

In the garden, there are all kinds of flowers all around, all of which are competing to bloom.

The fragrance of flowers lingers in the entire garden, filling the tip of the nose, and it smells like a burst of fragrance.

The woman sat on the bench, and the man hugged her beside her and patted her on the back lightly.

The two of them are Jiulan Yunbo and Hua Xiyan.

Half a month ago, they received a message from Mo Wuchen, saying that there was something about Jiulan Qingyan, and the two of them immediately opened the letter and read it.

Jiulan Qingyan was their most beloved daughter. After disappearing for so many years, they sent people to look for her but failed. I don't know how many times they have been sad.

They thought there was no hope. After so many years of searching, they found nothing. They all had a bad premonition in their hearts.

However, Mo Wuchen's letter gave them hope.

However, at the moment they opened the letter, they looked at the contents of the letter and felt sad and sad, and then there was a burst of joy, complex, and all kinds of emotions.

God took away their daughter and now gave them a granddaughter. There is an unspeakable joy in their grief.

The letter stated that their granddaughter Lan Zihan was also on the way here.

Therefore, they have been looking forward to the arrival of Mo Wuchen and the others.

Mo Wuchen only gave them a brief description of Lan Zihan's affairs. They were full of curiosity and expectation for this granddaughter.

That is their granddaughter, no matter what she is, whether she is ordinary or powerful, she is still their granddaughter.

"Yunbo, our daughter, she..." Hua Xiyan snuggled into Jiulan Yunbo's arms, her shoulders trembling slightly, her voice carried a hint of crying and trembling.

That was her daughter who was born in October of her pregnancy. Now she has gone like that. She left before she found her. How could she not be sad.

"Yan'er, if Qing'er had a spirit in the sky, she wouldn't want to see you like this. Be good, don't be sad." Jiulan Yunbo hugged Hua Xiyan tightly in his arms, comforting her.

It's just that Hua Xiyan didn't notice that his eyes were also slightly red.

His daughter, how he does not love, how does not hurt.

However, the matter has come to this point, and his Qing'er will never come back, so they must live well. His kind daughter must not be willing to let them be so sad.

"Well, Yunbo." Hua Xiyan stopped crying, a little tear continued to flow from the corner of her eyes, her big eyes were red and swollen from crying.

She knew it was useless to be sad, and she also knew that the man next to him was no better than her, so she had to be good, her daughter hoped so, she knew it.

Jiulan Yunbo lowered his head to cover her eyes, kissed her lightly, and said softly: "Hey, take a good rest in my arms, if Wuchen and the others arrive right now, your grandmother will be killed by them." It's a joke."

In the tone, it is full of pampering and love.

"Yeah." Hua Xiyan leaned against his arms, sorting out her emotions.

Hearing his doting words, a slight smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

(End of this chapter)

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