The bloodthirsty prince and the cold concubine

Chapter 246 Reaching the Blood Palace 4

Chapter 246 Reaching the Blood Palace 4
She still remembers telling Jiulan Yunbo that she was tired of this bloody life and wanted to live in seclusion and live a life without disputes with the world.

He said, as long as it is what you want, I will satisfy you.

Overnight, he transferred the power, financial resources and manpower of the entire Blood Palace for her, and they disappeared into the world.

"Yunbo, it's great to have you, thank you for pampering and loving me." She, Hua Xiyan, has no regrets in this life to be loved and accompanied by him so much.

"Fool, Yan'er, it is my greatest happiness to be with you in this life." Jiulan Yunbo pampered her head.

For his entire life, fame, fortune, money, glory, and brothers who lived and died in Jiulan Yunbo, he has all of these, and no one can match them.

He also thought that this was enough for him in his life.

However, after meeting Hua Xiyan, he clearly understood that what he wanted was not these seemingly glamorous things, but the heart of that gentle, pure and kind woman, and he only wished to be with her in this life Hand in hand, spend a lifetime together, that's enough.

"Palace Master." A person rushed over and called out.

"What's the matter?" Jiulan Yunbo frowned displeasedly, his majesty exuded.

Anyone who is disturbed by this matter will not feel better.

"Palace Master, according to the news from the guards outside the world, the maze has been opened from the outside and someone has entered." Yan Xu looked at the displeased expression on Jiulan Yunbo's face, and replied cautiously.

If he had known earlier, he would definitely not bother again, and he would definitely come later.

Unfortunately, he didn't count.

"Well, I got it, take a team and pick them up with me tomorrow." Jiulan Yunbo said in a deep voice.

"Yes, my subordinates retire."

After Yan Xu left, Hua Xiyan's big eyes were filled with surprise, she held Jiulan Yunbo's hand and said, "Yunbo, Wuchen and the others must have returned."

Thinking of seeing her granddaughter soon, the joy in her heart cannot be concealed.

"Well, it's them." Jiulan Yunbo looked at her and smiled dotingly.

People from the outside don't know how to get in at all, and they don't know that there is such a place in the world today, except for Mo Wuchen and Li Shang who went out, there is no one else.

"Yunbo, let's pick them up." Hua Xiyan's face was full of expectation.

She wanted to rush over there right now to see Lan Zihan.

"You, don't worry, it's night now, they will come tomorrow, we will pick them up tomorrow." Jiulan Yunbo smiled.

It is night now, and they are afraid they are resting, so they are not in a hurry, just rush there tomorrow morning.

"Well, then we'll go tomorrow." Hua Xiyan nodded, thinking what he said made sense.

In the early morning of the next day, Lan Zihan and his party had finished packing and were heading forward.

Along the way, no one spoke, Li Shang and Leng Luoyan were laughing, bringing some fun to their trip.

"Someone is coming." Lan Zihan suddenly stopped and looked forward coldly.

She felt some footsteps approaching in front of her. Although it was very slight, she still caught it keenly.

She didn't know which party was in front of her. She hadn't forgotten that there were two forces here, the Dark Palace and the Blood Palace.

Everyone also calmed down, waiting for the people ahead.

Gradually, the footsteps got closer and closer until a group of people appeared.

"It's been a long time, my dear grandson and nephew." Jiu Lan Yunmo looked at Mo Wuchen and Li Shang with a bloodthirsty smile on his lips.

(End of this chapter)

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