The bloodthirsty prince and the cold concubine

Chapter 252 Lord of the Dark Palace 6

Chapter 252 Lord of the Dark Palace 6
He is already in his fifties, although he looks like he is only in his 40s, it's just that time is tormenting him, he doesn't have much time left, he is no longer young.

It's just that he didn't understand these things, he didn't think about it, he only thought about his great cause in the world, and his ambition remained unchanged.

"So what, little girl, don't underestimate others, I've decided the world." Jiulan Yunmo snorted coldly, he didn't think there was anything wrong with his age, if he didn't get what he wanted, then he wouldn't let go.

"Okay, then I look forward to the day you become the overlord of the world." Lan Zihan squinted at him, the sarcasm in her tone was self-evident.

It is a good thing for a person to have goals and ideals.

It's just that it's impossible for fantasy to come true.

"Little girl, you are very special. Among the descendants of the Jiulan family, there is no woman like you." Jiulan Yunmo smiled softly.

He said it from the truth, he had never met such a special woman.

She has a cold and indifferent temperament, but with a little arrogance.Her perfect face carried the coldness that repulsed people thousands of miles away.Her weird posture and moves all made him admire.

"It's just that even so, you can't stop what I want to do." The smile on his face disappeared and gradually became cold.

Although she is very special and he admires her very much, his heart of wanting to dominate the world with drugs has not changed, and no one wants to stop him.

"If you haven't tried, no one will give up. I know this truth." Lan Zihan said in a deep voice with a cold tone.

She never thought of persuading him to fight if she wanted to. If persuasion was useful, he wouldn't have been fighting against Jiulan Yunbo for so many years.

"Little girl, I was careless this time, and it fell into your hands. You will not be so lucky next time." Jiulan Yunmo stared at Lan Zihan and said in a deep voice.

After speaking, he gestured to his subordinates: "Go."

He glanced at Lan Zihan for a few times, with an inexplicable smile on the corner of his mouth, then turned around and led the crowd away quickly, disappearing from sight.

There was a hint of coldness at the corner of Lan Zihan's mouth, who will be killed and who won't know until the next time we meet.

"After watching the play for so long, don't you plan to come out?" Her phoenix eyes looked at a place ahead, and said coldly.

When Jiulan Yunmo came for a while, she noticed that another group of people had also come, but they didn't show up, so she wasn't sure who it was.

However, it shouldn't be Jiulan Yunmo's person, if so, he would have come out during the fight just now.

Then, it must be someone from Jiulan Yunbo.

"Haha, girl, you are brave enough to be my granddaughter, Jiulan Yunbo." Jiulan Yunbo came out from behind the forest, looking at Lan Zihan with a smile in his eyes.

He arrived when the two sides were about to start a battle, but he chose to stay behind and watch the battle.He wanted to see if his granddaughter was as described in Mo Wuchen's letter.

As it turned out, the result was beyond his expectations.

He didn't expect his granddaughter to see everything so thoroughly and think clearly.She is smart and wise, she is cold and indifferent, her moves are cruel, and she is merciless.

All of this is like him when he was young and frivolous.

It's just that his granddaughter is more decisive and ruthless than him, and she impresses him.

(End of this chapter)

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