Chapter 253: Jiulan Yunbo 1
Following him, another woman walked out, followed by a group of people.

"Han'er, come and show grandma." As soon as Hua Xiyan came out, she couldn't help shedding tears, looked at Lan Zihan excitedly, and walked towards her quickly.

She just saw Lan Zihan, God knows how excited she was, she was about to rush out at that time.It was only because Jiulan Yunbo pulled him behind that he didn't come out immediately.

That appearance is [-]% similar to her Qing'er, but the temperament is completely different.

She saw everything about her, it was completely different from her Qing'er, her green face was as gentle as water, with a kind heart, unlike Lan Zihan who was so cold and indifferent, cold and ruthless.

However, she doesn't care, no matter what she likes, she is her granddaughter, so good, so good.

Lan Zihan already knew the identity of the man who walked out from the moment he opened his mouth.

He was dressed in black, and although he was in his 50s, he looked only in his 40s.Bronze skin, a face without wrinkles, has the unique charm and attractiveness of a mature man.Although he was smiling, the majesty and arrogance emanating from that body could not be ignored.

The woman behind him, about forty or so, looks like she is about 35. She is dressed in elegant white clothes, her skin is fair without wrinkles, her black hair is tied behind her head with a hairpin, her appearance is still charming, her beauty is beautiful. Extreme, with clear eyes and a pure aura, it is not difficult to see how beautiful she was when she was young, and even now, she is so beautiful and moving.

She raised her eyebrows secretly, this should be that beautiful face, she really is a beauty.

Seeing Hua Xiyan coming towards her, she frowned slightly, and walked to the side, avoiding her embrace.

Except for Leng Yichen, she doesn't like others to touch her.

Hua Xiyan looked at Fukong, watched her dodge, a flash of pain flashed in her eyes, and then she returned to normal. Her granddaughter must not like being touched by strangers, she can tell from her character.

She didn't touch her again, but just stared at her with loving smiles in her eyes: "Han'er, I'm your grandmother."

"Hello." Lan Zihan didn't call her grandmother, even though she knew she was, but she never had any relatives, so these are very strange to her, she can't call her.

The corners of Hua Xiyan's mouth curled up slightly: "Well, Han'er, how have you been all these years?"

In the letter, Mo Wuchen didn't say anything about her life, so she didn't know about it.

"En." Lan Zihan nodded, although her voice was still cold, the cold expression on her face eased a lot.

Jiulan Yunbo, who was behind him, saw all the changes on Lan Zihan's face, and had a faint understanding in her heart, she would not be so cold and indifferent from birth, what kind of living environment created her? What kind of person, his granddaughter, must have had a bad life before coming here.

Mo Wuchen did not say the cause of Qing'er's death, presumably there is something tricky about it.

He can put these things aside temporarily, and he can ask Mo Wuchen carefully when he finds time.

He stepped forward and looked directly at Lan Zihan face to face, his eyes were as deep as the ocean.

Lan Zihan stared straight at him with cold phoenix eyes, without flinching or fear.

The two looked at each other.

Mo Wuchen and the others understood and did not disturb.

After a stalemate like this for an unknown amount of time, Jiulan Yunbo burst out laughing.

(End of this chapter)

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