Chapter 255: Jiulan Yunbo 3
He has nothing to be restrained, he has always been more familiar.

"Well, don't be polite here." Hua Xiyan said with a smile.

She also liked Leng Luoyan's character more.

"Is the girl already married?" Jiulan Yunbo raised his eyebrows and asked, he heard the important things in their words.

His only granddaughter is getting married so soon.

"Well, his name is Leng Yichen." When Lan Zihan mentioned Leng Yichen, a smile unconsciously formed the corner of his mouth.

It has been half a month since they parted, and he must be on his way to Yuezhuo right now.

"As long as you like Han'er, happiness is fine." Hua Xiyan looked at the smile on Lan Zihan's mouth, which was different from any of them, and knew it in her heart.

She is also a person who has experienced love, so she naturally understands what the smile on her face means.

That's the love to the extreme, engraved in my heart, so that when I mention him, it will be revealed naturally.
Jiulan Yunbo looked at the expression on Lan Zihan's face, and there was a little smile on his face. His granddaughter found her own belonging, and he was happy for her.

However, what about Leng Yichen, he will find some time to ask Mo Wuchen carefully, he believes that the little girl's vision will not be bad.

He smiled softly: "After so many days of traveling, you are all tired, girl, take a good rest today, and tomorrow my grandfather will hold a banquet for you and introduce you to the people in the Blood Palace."

His subordinates have always been loyal to him and have not betrayed him. He is very pleased.

He remembered clearly all the life and death in the past, they were all his brothers.

"Okay." Lan Zihan nodded.

It has been more than half a month since they rushed here from Tianchen, and they are definitely tired.

"Yan Xu, take the girl and her friends to the prepared room." Jiulan Yunbo looked at Yan Xu and ordered in a deep voice.

"Yes, Palace Master." Yan Xu nodded respectfully.

He turned his head to look at Lan Zihan again, waved his hand, and said in a deep voice: "Young Palace Master, this way please."

He went with Jiulan Yunbo and the others, so he also saw the whole process of the fight and the conversation just now.He saw the shadow of Jiulan Yunbo in this woman, she did have that demeanor.

"En." Lan Zihan glanced at him with cold eyes, nodded, then stood up, and left with Leng Luoyan.

In the hall, only Jiulan Yunbo, Hua Xiyan, Mo Wuchen and Li Shang were left for a moment, and the atmosphere was a little quiet.

"Wuchen, tell me everything about Qing'er and the girl, I want to know everything about them." Jiulan Yunbo suppressed the smile on his face and asked in a deep voice.

"En." Mo Wuchen nodded, frowning slightly, and then told how Jiulan Qingyan met Lan Jingyang, her later life, and Lan Zihan's 15 years of life and events.

Jiulan Yunbo and Hua Xiyan listened carefully, listening to Mo Wuchen's slow narration, feeling turbulent in their hearts.

Hua Xiyan already burst into tears like rain, she threw herself into Jiulan Yunbo's chest, weeping silently.

Jiulan Qingyan was framed, her husband didn't trust her, let alone believe that the child in her womb was his, so he drove her into a remote backyard, raised Han'er alone, and endured the bullying and irony of others. Xia Han'er passed away after a few years.

After Lan Zihan died of Jiulan Qingyan, living alone was even more difficult.

(End of this chapter)

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