Chapter 256: Jiulan Yunbo 4
When Jiulan Qingyan was alive, life was bitter. After Qing'er passed away, she was alone under the oppression of everyone in the prime minister's mansion. The hateful Lan Jingyang actually ignored her.

Her Qing'er, her Han'er, both have suffered so much.

Her heart hurts, she feels bad.

"Good boy, stop crying." Jiulan Yunbo gently patted her on the back, gently wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes, and comforted her.

At the same time, there was a stern look and majesty in his eyes.

The daughter in his hands that Jiulan Yunbo loves, he is not willing to scold, let her suffer, not let her be tired, but now he is being treated like this.

His granddaughter was born to be treated like a princess, but she has suffered so much since she was a child, being beaten and insulted.

That's why she created such a cold and indifferent temperament that rejects people thousands of miles away.

Clenching his fists tightly, damn it, Lan Jingyang, a mere prime minister, dares to treat them like this, okay, okay.

Their blood palace has been a hermit for so long that his daughter and granddaughter can be bullied like this.

"Grandfather, grandmother, your body is important, don't get angry with your body." Li Shang looked at the pear blossoms with rainy flowers and the gloomy and cold Jiulan Yunbo, and secretly lifted his heart.

He had never seen the two of them like this before, and what happened with their aunt and cousin had hit them too hard.

Looking at the coercion and aura of the king on Jiulan Yunbo, he knew that his grandfather was really angry.

However, it is understandable, he was also very angry when he heard what Mo Wuchen said.

"Well, I know, Wu Chen, Shang'er, you are tired from the long journey, go to rest first, you will also attend the banquet tomorrow." Jiulan Yunbo restrained himself, and said in a deep voice.

He will settle this account with Lan Jingyang, but, not now, no one can stop the person he Jiulan Yunbo wants to deal with.

"Okay, so are my grandfather and grandmother, let's go to rest first."

Mo Wuchen and Li Shang also left the hall, and there were only Jiulan Yunbo and Hua Xiyan in the entire hall.

"Yunbo, our poor Qing'er and Han'er, woohoo" Hua Xiyan was still shaking her shoulders in Jiulan Yunbo's arms, her eyes were red and swollen because of the excessive crying just now.

"Hey, Yan'er, don't cry anymore, it's over, and nothing like this will happen in the future. I won't let the instigator, Lan Jingyang, feel better." Jiulan Yunbo comforted Hua Xiyan, looking at her With red and swollen eyes, there was a burst of distress in my heart.

No matter how much his daughter and granddaughter have suffered, he wants Lan Jingyang to bear it even more.

"Well, Yunbo." Hua Xiyan leaned against his arms, sobbing, her tears gradually stopped.

She knew it was useless to cry, and she didn't want to make the people around her feel bad.

For a while, the news that Mo Wuchen and Li Shang brought Jiulan Qingyan's daughter Lan Zihan back to the Blood Palace gradually spread throughout the whole place. Everyone in the Blood Palace knew about it and looked forward to tomorrow's banquet.

As night falls, the night is as cool as water. In the starry sky, the vast sky, the sky is full of stars shining, as if they are heralding something, and they seem to be showing their beauty.

Under such a beautiful night sky, who is sad, who is nervous, who is happy, who is missing, and who is sleepless.
The world is getting more and more turbulent
(End of this chapter)

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