The bloodthirsty prince and the cold concubine

Chapter 257 The Man in the Blood Palace 1

Chapter 257 The Man in the Blood Palace 1
The next day, the people in the Blood Palace got busy.

In the garden, hundreds of flowers are in full bloom, the branches and vines are entwined, and the garden is full of fresh air, which makes people feel refreshed.But the most flower is manjusawa.

Because this is unique to the Jiulan family, and there is no such flower in the outside world.

In the main hall, the whole is like entering a crystal palace, like a dream or a fantasy.

Amber wine, jasper glass, gold-footed bottle, emerald plate, the food is picturesque, the wine is like a plate, the guqin is dripping, and the drums are tinkling.The main hall is surrounded by upside-down bell-like flowers, the calyxes are blood-red, with a transparent luster like bone china, and the petals are circles of blood-red in different shades, as if dyed by nature, the blood is coquettish, blood-shocking, beautiful Exciting.

"The palace lord has arrived, and the lady has arrived." A loud voice came from outside the hall.

Everyone in the hall stood up together and turned their heads to look outside the hall, only a few people came in.

Jiulan Yunbo is dressed in ink today, with a handsome face and restrained expression, a pair of eyes as deep as a cold pool, with a touch of majesty and sharpness, and the air of a king is undoubtedly evident on his body, despite the passage of time for many years, The arrogance and domineering in his bones still haven't diminished.

Hua Xiyan was dressed in a simple and elegant white dress, with a gentle smile on her fair face, and a gentle breath all over her body.

Most of the eyes of the people in the hall were focused on the woman in white beside them.

I saw her wearing white clothes, without any decorations, bright eyes and white teeth, skin like snow, as bright as an autumn moon, shoulders as if shaved, waist as plain, delicate face, small cherry mouth that is not tinged with vermilion, beautiful phoenix eyes There is an icy expression in his eyes, and the cold and indifferent aura on his body makes people stop.

She is not like Jiulan Qingyan, gentle as water, noble and elegant like a hibiscus emerging from water.

She is like a lotus goddess who has fallen into the mortal world, cold and arrogant, but not stained with a trace of dust, she is as beautiful as a fairy.

Beside her is a man in blue clothes, with a handsome face, smart eyes, a tall and straight body, a stalwart figure, a solemn face, and a calm aura on his body.

They don't know this man.The other two men, they knew each other.

It was Mo Wuchen, who was dressed in white, as beautiful as a god.There is also Li Shang, who is dressed in Tsing Yi and has a delicate and cute baby face.

Having not seen each other for many years, they have matured a lot.

"My subordinates refer to the palace master, madam." Everyone in the hall saluted together.

"Well, let me introduce you." Jiulan Yunbo pointed at Lan Zihan with a smile on his lips: "This is my granddaughter, Lan Zihan."

"That's Han'er's younger brother, Leng Luoyan." Then he pointed to Leng Luoyan and introduced it to everyone.

"Palace Master, the Young Palace Master's temperament is quite unique, and the subordinates like it very much." A handsome middle-aged man smiled and said in a deep voice.

The first time he saw Lan Zihan, he fell in love with her temperament, with the shadow of Jiulan Yunbo on her body, which is not comparable to ordinary people.

Sometimes, to look at a person, you only need to look at her breath and her character.

The coldness and indifference around Lan Zihan's body is not a pretense, it is exuded from the inside out, from the bones.

"Yes, Palace Master, Xuanhun is right, and the subordinates all have the same idea." Another voice.

They look at people's standards, not to mention picky, liking is just a momentary thing, if they like it, then they meet it.

Furthermore, the cold temperament of this woman is not beyond the reach of ordinary people.

(End of this chapter)

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