The bloodthirsty prince and the cold concubine

Chapter 258 The Man in the Blood Palace 2

Chapter 258 The Man in the Blood Palace 2
"My opinion coincides with yours. I also like this girl's temperament very much." Jiulan Yunbo's eyes as deep as the sea carried a deep smile.

He is very satisfied with this girl, not to mention that she is his granddaughter, but just her cold and indifferent temperament, smart and wise mind, and her decisive and ruthless moves, he admires her.

"Girl, these are brothers who were born and died together with my grandfather and worked hard for the country. You don't need to see outsiders, they are not pedantic people, just do whatever you want." Jiulan Yunbo looked at Lan Zihan with a smile, and elaborated for her .

They are all careless temperaments, they speak out what they have to say, they don't hide it, and they have a very forthright temperament.

"Yes, girl, don't be polite to us." Xuanhun said with a smile on his face.

"My name is Lan Zihan. I think you already know it. I don't have anything to say. Since we've met for a while, you don't need to be too serious. Just have fun with the wine and have fun." Lan Zihan's cold eyes were filled with With a slight smile, she is not that good girl who stays at home, or a lady who is a tweaker, and she likes this kind of casual occasion very much.

She could feel that these people were very friendly to her, they didn't put on airs, they were straightforward and straightforward, and she didn't dislike such people, on the contrary, she liked them even more.

"Haha, girl, I like what you say, it's refreshing enough." Xuanhun laughed and said loudly.

"Okay, everyone, stop standing here and take your seats." Jiulan Yunbo said in a deep voice.

Everyone tacitly took their seats.

"Han'er, you are welcome back. Grandfather is very happy. Let's have a drink together." Holding a glass of wine in his hand, Jiulan Yunbo looked at Lan Zihan with a smile in his eyes.
"Okay." Lan Zihan also filled a glass of wine, raised her glass to Jiulan Yunbo and shook it, then put the wine glass into her mouth and drank it down in one gulp.

The movements are free and easy, the posture is elegant, and there is no reserve that a daughter should have.

Jiulan Yunbo watched her series of movements with a smile in his eyes, and with a wave of his sleeve, he drank all the wine in the cup, his movements were smooth and flowing, and his movements were indescribably domineering and bold.

"Little girl, come, I'll have a drink with you too." Xuanhun also raised his wine glass, shaking it at Lan Zihan.

Lan Zihan stared at him with her phoenix eyes, she didn't say a word, she directly showed it with her movements, she raised the glass of wine in her hand, gave it in his direction, and then drank it in one gulp.

Xuanhun was also relentless, pouring all the wine in the cup into his belly, with a heroic gesture.

Seeing this, the rest of the people came to toast one after another, and they quickly became one, and the atmosphere was quite harmonious.

Leng Luoyan was also included, drinking and chatting with everyone, it was very lively.

Mo Wuchen's clear and indifferent eyes looked at Lan Zihan, and a strangeness flashed across them.

It was the first time he had seen her look so free and easy, there was no woman's tweaking and affectation in her body, there was a lot of boldness, but she didn't look awkward at all.

She has many faces, cold and indifferent, cruel and ruthless, smart and wise, free and easy.

Every aspect of this is beyond the reach of ordinary people. She is really a very special woman, so there are so many people who follow and sincerely surrender.

"Wu Chen, you probably fell in love with your cousin, right?" Li Shang turned around and took in all the emotions in his blue and purple eyes, and couldn't help joking.

(End of this chapter)

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