Chapter 275 Take Action 1
Looking at it at a glance, there is a piece of coquettish manjusawa in the setting sun like blood, and the coquettish and bloodthirsty bright red is so beautiful and full of charm, forming a sea of ​​flowers. In the sea of ​​flowers, there is a beautiful woman.

I saw her standing in the middle of the sea of ​​flowers, wearing a white skirt, her clear eyes, without any impurities, but ethereal and cold, her eyes were in front of the indifferent body, the breeze blew, and the hair on her forehead was blown up. A strand of beautiful hair sets off her beauty and aloofness even more. She is surrounded by the cold and indifferent body, surrounded by manjushahua. She seems to be integrated with this sea of ​​flowers. It is so harmonious and beautiful, as if To go with the wind and disappear into this world.

Lan Zihan looked at the blue sky with her phoenix eyes, and the black robe appeared in front of her eyes. He had a stalwart figure, a bronze complexion, and clear and deep features, like a Greek sculpture. His dark and deep ice eyes looked wild. Effortless, charming and sexy, revealing a sharp-edged and cold handsome.

The corner of the mouth curled up unconsciously, Chen, are you okay?

She has been in the Blood Palace for half a month. During this half month, she enjoyed the love from Jiulan Yunbo, Hua Xiyan, and even the rest of the people in the Blood Palace. She felt the warmth of family affection. During this half month, she spent It's very peaceful, every day I occasionally come to this sea of ​​flowers of manjusawa to stay for some hours.

She likes this manjusawa very much. There are very few such flowers in modern times, and she is rare. Since she first came to this sea of ​​flowers, she has fallen in love with this place.

She knows that in the 21st century, the meaning represented by the manjushahua is to look at each other from life to life, and to confuse each other every life.

The never meeting of flowers and leaves is like a fate destined to be missed.The seemingly coquettish flaming reds make people feel the breath of death, and the perfect appearance cannot conceal the bleak soul.

It blooms for 1000 years and falls for 1000 years. The leaves fall and the flowers bloom, and the flowers bloom and the leaves appear.Flowers and leaves never meet each other, love is not cause and effect, fate is destined to life and death.

She thinks that Manjusawa is very pure. Although it is as poisonous as that poppy and is not loved by others, she prefers this flower. As for the implication, she will never believe it.

Seeing each other from life to life, mistaking each other from life to life, and viciously cursing, they can only watch the fire from the other side.

She sneered, she would not believe this, all she knew was that if you love, you must do it bravely, and it doesn't matter if you are not blessed, as long as they are happy with each other, outsiders' ideas have never been related to them.

Mo Wuchen stood not far behind Lan Zihan, looking at her cold and aloof back, a smile flashed across her clear black pupils, she is really beautiful, just like these patches of Manzhushahua Usually, the beauty is so coquettish and full of charm.

He didn't bother her, just stood quietly behind her, she was like that beautiful scenery, so unique and ethereal.

Lan Zihan put away the thoughts in her head, and the expression on her face also slightly restrained, she gently opened her red lips: "Wu Chen, what's the matter?"

She knew that there was a gaze staring at her behind her all the time, and she also knew who it was. In the past half a month, Mo Wuchen and Li Shang would often come here, and she knew that Mo Wuchen was behind her without turning her head. Shang, I'm afraid he has already come to her side to chatter, instead of being so calm.

"Did it bother you?" Mo Wuchen's mouth curled up in an extremely gorgeous way, and he walked straight to her side.

(End of this chapter)

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