Chapter 276 Take Action 2
"No." Lan Zihan shook her head, although there was not much smile on her face, the cold aura around her had disappeared.

"Grandfather is looking for you." Mo Wuchen looked at the fiery red sky with a pair of eyes as clear as water, the indifferent aura around him was so obvious, and his voice was extremely deep and melodious.

"What's the matter?" Lan Zihan's cold and beautiful face seemed to be coated with a layer of light in the fiery red light of the sky, making it even more beautiful.

Thinking of Jiulan Yunbo, the overlord who once dominated the world, he was just like an ordinary grandfather in front of her, with that loving and doting smile, she felt a faint strange feeling in her heart.

"Grandfather is ready to do something." Mo Wuchen smiled lightly and said softly.

When Jiulan Yunbo told him, he came directly to this place to look for her. He knew she was not in the blood palace, so he must have come here.

"Okay, I see." She didn't need him to say clearly, she already knew the meaning of his words.

Originally, they were going to do something a few days ago, but Jiulan Yunbo and Hua Xiyan insisted that she had just come to the Blood Palace, so she first got to know the environment and the people in the Blood Palace first, anyway, it would be sooner or later to deal with the Dark Palace No rush.

Therefore, this matter has not been mentioned in the past half a month. Today, Mo Wuchen came to inform her, and it seems that it is confirmed.

"Is everything here?" Lan Zihan asked Mo Wuchen with her phoenix eyes.

To fight against the Dark Palace, the rest of the Blood Palace should also be summoned.

"Well, we're almost on our way." Mo Wuchen nodded, with a faint smile flashing across his eyes.
"Then let's go back now." Lan Zihan glanced at the fiery red sky, then smiled at Mo Wuchen, then turned and walked towards Huahaihai.

It's time to settle the matter here, I haven't seen Leng Yichen for more than a month, the matter with Yue Zhuo has been resolved, if there is no accident, I should be heading towards the blood palace at this time.

A warm current flowed through my heart, and I quickly left towards the distance.

Mo Wuchen looked at her aloof figure, the corner of her mouth curled up, and her back was more eye-catching under the setting sun.Shaking his head, he also followed her footsteps and left towards the distance.

In the main hall, the high-level figures of the Blood Palace had already gathered in the hall, and Lan Zihan and Mo Wuchen also arrived at this time.

All the characters have arrived, and they are all seated, waiting for Jiulan Yunbo's words.

Jiulan Yunbo was still dressed in black ink, and the original smile was no longer on his face, replaced by a solemn expression, revealing the kingly and domineering aura on his body.

A pair of eyes as deep as the sea looked at the people in the hall, and said in a deep voice: "After half a month of silence, the lord of the palace has decided to start attacking tomorrow."

If it wasn't for the time spent with his granddaughter, he would have already made a move. Although he has been procrastinating for a long time, there will be a day when it will end, so he decided to discuss countermeasures today and start tomorrow.

He knows Jiulan Yunmo's temperament very well, and he has been trapped here for so many years, and he probably has no patience.

At the same time, he also knew what was in Jiulan Yunmo's mind. The maze was what he learned from ancient books. It was formed after various mazes were fused together. It was very profound. He only told Mo Wuchen and Lishang.

(End of this chapter)

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