Chapter 277 Take Action 3
Jiulan Yunmo was not very proficient in the formation, and that formation was extremely complicated, which is why he was trapped here for so long.

He couldn't get any good from Mo Wuchen and Li Shang, so he must have rushed out of the formation while hoping for Lan Zihan's return.

"What the palace lord said is very true, there is no need to delay this matter, it should be resolved earlier." Xuanhun nodded and said in a deep voice.

He also felt that this matter should not be delayed any longer and could be resolved as soon as possible.

"The subordinates also feel that this is feasible."

The rest of the people in the hall also echoed.

"Have you already made a plan?" Lan Zihan looked at Jiulan Yunbo with her cold eyes, and asked in a deep voice.

"Girl, grandfather already has an idea." Jiulan Yunbo nodded and smiled, his girl is always so smart.

Lan Zihan looked up at him, her expression unchanged, waiting for his next words.

"There is a sea between the Blood Palace and the Dark Palace. Apart from that, there is no way out. We can only pass through this sea."

"Although we have lived here for a long time, we have never fought at sea before. This is an attempt, and tomorrow's battle is absolutely necessary. People in my blood palace are not timid. Although it is the first time, our side also has an opportunity to fight." If you get the first chance, you can catch them by surprise," Jiulan Yunbo said in a deep voice, his eyes frowned slightly.

They were divided into two, and Jiulan Yunmo built a dark palace, but they had never fought, and although there had been a few dark tides behind their backs, they never fought directly.

Lan Zihan's eyes moved, this was the first opportunity.

"Do you have any objections?" Jiulan Yunbo tapped his fingers on the table, with flames shining in his deep eyes, and said in a deep voice.

At the same time, I have already thought about tomorrow's battle plan in my heart.

"The subordinates have no objection, this matter is feasible." Everyone said in unison, their voices were solemn, echoing throughout the hall.

"Well, since there is no objection, then go down and tell everyone in the Blood Palace to set off to attack the Dark Palace early tomorrow morning." Jiulan Yunbo glanced at the people in the palace and said in a deep voice.

"This subordinate is waiting to leave." Everyone replied in unison, and then they all retreated from the hall.

"Girl, you should also go back and rest early, there will be a tough battle tomorrow." Jiulan Yunbo looked at Lan Zihan with a smile, a smile flashed across his eyes, and the majesty and arrogance on his body also decreased a little.

"Well, I got it." Lan Zihan took a sip of the tea, the faint tea fragrance lingered on her lips and teeth.

She didn't ask about the plan for tomorrow's battle. She knew that he had already thought about it in his heart, and he probably had a plan already.

"Wuchen and Shang'er go back to rest too." Jiulan Yunbo looked at Mo Wuchen and Lishang with a strange look in his eyes.

He is very optimistic about the two of them. They are the only two people who are different in this blood palace, but they are very outstanding. He watched them grow up.

"Okay, grandfather, Wuchen will go back first." Mo Wuchen stood up, smiled lightly, and his breath was calm.

"Grandfather, Shang'er has gone back too." Li Shang stood up with a smile, and stood with Mo Wuchen.

"Go." Jiulan Yunbo smiled gently and waved his hand.

Lan Zihan, Mo Wuchen and Li Shang left together towards the outside of the hall, and gradually, their figures disappeared from sight.

Jiulan Yunbo looked at the distant sky outside the hall with his deep eyes, thinking deeply, not knowing what he was thinking.

The night is as cold as water, and the night has quietly fallen. The situation that has been silent for many years will eventually be broken.

(End of this chapter)

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