Chapter 279 Battle at Sea 2
Lan Zihan also boarded the boat, she was on the same boat as Jiulan Yunbo, Mo Wuchen and Li Shang also boarded the boat.

All were on board, awaiting further orders.

"Start the boat, let's go." Jiulan Yunbo narrowed his eyes slightly, his deep pupils were like the sea at this time, making people unpredictable.

As soon as the words fell, the sailors on each ship moved their hands.

The big mast and the fore-mast, four large sails are stretched vertically, the tall bowsprit, and two triangular sails are stretched vertically, full of fresh wind, the ship sails towards the opposite side of the sea.

Lan Zihan stood still in the big boat, looking at the boundless sea, squinting her eyes slightly, breathing in the salty sea breeze, three thousand blue hairs were blown by the sea breeze, and drifted along with the wind, with a shallow arc on the corner of her mouth, The mood is peaceful.

She actually likes the sea very much, likes watching the waves of the sea, likes watching the rough waves of the sea, every time she likes to come to the coast alone, blowing the sea breeze and enjoying the scenery.

That's why she went to the beach after completing the task that night.

What she didn't know was that the three people behind her had a panoramic view of her appearance.

Jiulan Yunbo looked at Lan Zihan's lazy and enjoying appearance, a strange color flashed across his eyes, and smiled lightly: "Girl, do you like the sea?"

His words also revealed the doubts in Mo Wuchen and Li Shang's hearts. After all, her appearance at this time was too abnormal, and they had never seen her before.

"Well, I like it." Lan Zihan opened her eyes, revealing a pair of clear pupils, clear without any impurities.

She likes the sea and has nothing to hide. Only in front of the sea can her heart remain calm and calm.

"I like to come here often after this matter is resolved." Jiulan Yunbo smiled fondly, as long as she likes it.

"Cousin, I also like the sea, and I have swum here before." Li Shang's baby face was full of smiles, his eyes were wide open, and his eyes were full of joy.

When he was a child, he would often come to the beach with Wu Chen to play, for which he was trained several times by his parents.

"If you like it, then you can go down." Lan Zihan turned her head to look at Li Shang, smiled lightly, and then without waiting for any reaction from Li Shang, grabbed the collar of his chest with one hand, threw him, threw him down the sea.


There was the sound of heavy objects falling into the water, and layers of water splashed on the sea surface.

Her movement was so sudden that no one could react, and before she could react, Li Shang had already been thrown into the sea.

"Cousin, you are too disrespectful, and you don't even tell me if you want to throw it away." Li Shang emerged from the water, revealing a delicate and cute baby face. Looking at Lan Zihan, her expression is really cute.

"I'll help you miss and miss." Lan Zihan looked at Li Shang with a smile on her face, the expression on her face seemed to say, you still haven't thanked me.

Jiulan Yunbo on the side laughed, watching the interaction and dialogue between the two, he couldn't help laughing, these children are really interesting.

A smile flashed across Mo Wuchen's eyes as clear as water.

Because of the movement and laughter on their boat, the heavy atmosphere of everyone was eased a lot.

"Cousin, can you swim? Come and swim with me." Li Shang decided not to insist on that question with her anymore. If he continued, he would be pissed off sooner or later.With a move in his eyes, he chuckled, and he decided to drag her into the water.

(End of this chapter)

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