Chapter 280 Battle at Sea 3
"I won't go." Lan Zihan looked at the smile on his face, but she didn't know what he was thinking.

Li Shang showed a pitiful expression: "Cousin, I can't come up anymore, come here and give me a hand."

He made up his mind that if he didn't pull her into the water today, he wouldn't give up.

Lan Zihan looked at his pitiful expression, unmoved, and smiled lazily: "You are too heavy to pull."

Li Shang's forehead was covered with three black lines, and he said: "Please, cousin, you are not a weak woman." He found that he had no choice but to admit defeat in front of Lan Zihan.

Lan Zihan looked at him with her hands clasped in her fists, with a hint of teasing in the corner of her mouth: "Don't you like swimming, why don't you swim?"

She found that she had been with them for a long time, and she could joke with them occasionally.

"No swimming, no one will swim with me, they all bully me, no swimming." Li Shang turned his head to one side, and said angrily like a child.

Jiulan Yunbo looked at Li Shang's appearance, and smiled slightly at the corner of his mouth, Li Shang, this child.

Lan Zihan looked at his expression, as if he was a child who couldn't get candy, throwing a tantrum at you, the corner of his mouth twitched slightly, and then the corner of his mouth slowly curled into an arc, and he jumped into the sea , The body entered the water, splashing layers of water, sparkling.

Li Shang was still secretly pretending to lose his temper, but at this moment he heard the sound of something heavy falling into the water beside him, and turned his head to look, the water splashed all over his face, wiped off the water droplets on his face with one hand, and looked at Lan Zihan on the sea. , with a smile on the corner of his mouth, he said with a smile: "Cousin, I knew you would come down to swim with me."

Lan Zihan ignored her, leaned over and swam towards the bottom of the water, and disappeared in a few moments.

"Cousin, wait for me." Li Shang watched Lan Zihan's movements, without wasting time, leaned over, and also swam towards the water.

Mo Wuchen looked at the two in the water, the corners of his mouth slowly curled up, and the breath on his body was softened a lot under the sunlight, and it was no longer so illusory.

Jiulan Yunbo looked at the actions of Lan Zihan and Li Shang, shook his head and smiled, it's nice to be young.

Then he turned his head to look at Mo Wuchen beside him, and felt a slight change in the aura around him, and smiled softly: "Wuchen, don't you want to play with them?"

Mo Wuchen looked at him with eyes as clear as water, shook his head, with a smile on the corner of his mouth: "No, they just play."

Watching them play is also a pleasure.

Jiulan Yunbo smiled gently and didn't say anything more.He only felt that Mo Wuchen and Li Shang had changed after they came back from the outside world, and he also knew that it was Lan Zihan who made them become like this, and he smiled silently in his heart.


Li Shang paid the water surface from the bottom of the water, turned his head and looked around, but did not find Lan Zihan's figure.

"Wuchen, where is my cousin?" Li Shang asked Mo Wuchen on the boat, but he didn't see Lan Zihan, so he felt a sense of worry in his heart.

"After entering the water just now, I haven't come out yet." Mo Wuchen shook his head, and was also slightly worried in his heart. Could it be that she encountered some danger at the bottom of the water?

After inspecting the sea, without thinking too much, he jumped into the sea.


Unexpectedly, he had just entered the water, and a figure appeared on the surface of the water. This person is not Lan Zihan.

The corners of Jiulan Yunbo's mouth curled up. The reason why he wasn't worried was because he had already spotted Lan Zihan.

(End of this chapter)

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