Chapter 287 Battle at Sea 10
She swam around in the sea, but she couldn't find Leng Luoyan's figure. She felt a little annoyed and worried in her heart. She shouldn't be so confident, she shouldn't be so confident in herself that she ignored the people around her .

She paid the surface of the water, looked at the empty sea, her face suddenly sank, Luo Yan hadn't found it yet.

Mo Wuchen and Li Shang on the boat didn't say anything at this time, they jumped into the water and swam towards the bottom, looking for Leng Luoyan's figure.They knew the importance of Leng Luoyan, and it was their carelessness that led to the current result.


Mo Wuchen and Li Shang emerged from the water with unsightly expressions on their faces, but they couldn't find them.

"Haha, little girl, this is the consequence of you daring to play tricks on me. That kid is probably dead." Jiulan Yunmo looked at the three people who were looking for in the sea, and his heart was originally panicked, but now he gradually relieved a little.

Looking at the cold expression on Lan Zihan's face, he felt a burst of joy, and she still had someone she cared about.

Lan Zihan heard his laughter, the coldness in her body suddenly deepened, a murderous aura rose vaguely, her phoenix eyes looked directly at him, and there was a coldness in them.But when his eyes touched the person behind him, a daze quickly flashed across them, but Jiulan Yunmo, who was in joy at the moment, didn't notice it.

Mo Wuchen and Li Shang who were in the water also saw the figure, and they were slightly relieved, but they didn't show it.

When Leng Luoyan sank into the water, he quickly turned away from the direction and swam towards one direction. He didn't know which direction he was swimming towards. The sound behind him made him tongue-tied. A few steps faster, so luckily escaped.

He kept swimming forward until there was a black mist in front of him, then he stopped slowly, and slowly revealed his figure without any splashes, gradually, he saw clearly where he was at this time.

This is where the dark palace is, Jiulan Yunmo's laughter came from ahead, the corners of his mouth twitched, he's dead, you're dead.Eyeballs rolled around, a tricky smile flashed across his eyes, and he climbed onto the shore lightly. Fortunately, there were few people on the boat at this time, and his hiding place was hidden, so they couldn't see him.

He picked up the dagger at his waist, restrained his murderous aura and coldness, and slowly approached Jiulan Yunmo. When he raised his eyes and saw Lan Zihan's figure in the water, a smile flashed across his eyes, and he turned to her. Blinking his eyes, he walked forward again without any sound of footsteps.

Lan Zihan taught him these steps, and it came in handy at this moment.

Jiulan Yunmo looked at the expressionless and speechless Lan Zihan, and laughed louder: "Why, aren't you sad?"

He knew that boy was not easy for her, and she probably cared about his safety, so he jumped into the sea so eagerly to find him.So, is she trying to hold on at this moment?

It's just that he didn't expect that the danger has quietly approached him.

After Leng Luoyan came behind him, the aura on his body was still restrained, without revealing half of it, holding his breath, the dagger in his hand was aimed at his neck silently, and slowly approached.

Jiulan Yunmo's body paused slightly, he felt a pair of eyes behind him staring at him, cold, his eyes froze, and he was about to turn his head to look, but suddenly there was a pain in the back of his neck.

(End of this chapter)

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