Chapter 288 Battle at Sea 11
Jiulan Yunmo also reacted quickly, his figure flashed forward, turned around, mobilized his internal strength and swung it out with a palm.

Leng Luoyan seemed to know his next move a long time ago. When he dodged forward, he had already flew up and headed towards the big boat where Jiulan Yunbo was. His movements were quick and his movements were weird. Strange teeth itch.

At the same moment, Lan Zihan, Mo Wuchen and Li Shang in the water also flew up, and within a few breaths, they landed safely on the big boat.

"Second sister-in-law, I stabbed him, have you made any progress?" Leng Luoyan looked at Lan Zihan with wide eyes, as if waiting for her praise.

"You think I should praise you." Lan Zihan said coldly, and the breath on her body suddenly became cold.

She admitted that he has improved a lot and has changed a lot. His technique, footwork, and moves have all been greatly improved.Anger rose in her heart, did he know how dangerous he was just now? She thought something happened to him, but he went to Jiulan Yunmo's boat to attack him silently.

Leng Luoyan looked at her angry look, with the cold breath on her body, and unconsciously lowered her head, like a child who did something wrong.

"Damn it, you think your life is more important than sneak attacking him." Lan Zihan looked at him obediently admitting his mistakes, and the anger in his heart subconsciously dropped a lot.

"Life is important." Leng Luoyan paused and looked up at Lan Zihan. The second sister-in-law must be so angry because she thought something happened to him, otherwise she would not be in the water. She must be looking for him, and Mo Wuchen and Li Shang.

"Second sister-in-law, I understand, I won't do it again next time." He blamed himself slightly in his heart, it was the first time he saw second sister-in-law angry, he was so ignorant.

Lan Zihan stared at him for a few seconds before withdrawing her gaze. The coldness on her body gradually diminished. She was not angry because he was Leng Yichen's younger brother. She already regarded him as a relative. If something happened, She couldn't forgive herself.

"Hehe. Little girl, you really have the leisure to teach people there." Jiu Lan Yunmo sneered, watching the scene of them getting along, only felt extremely dazzling.

"Compared to you, I'm naturally more carefree." Lan Zihan looked at him coldly, with a slight smile on the corner of her mouth, but the smile didn't reach her eyes.

Jiulan Yunbo stood quietly on the boat, his coolness and majesty couldn't be ignored. He raised his head on the right back and made a gesture. The rest of the people on the boat behind him understood, took the bow, lit the fire, drew the bow, and let it go. Flowing clouds and flowing water, all in one go.


The sharp arrow with flames headed towards the dark palace at an excessive speed.

"Damn it." Jiulan Yunmo cursed in a low voice, the sword in his hand flipped in the air, forming a gas, knocking the sharp arrow flying, and falling straight into the sea.

The people on the boat also picked up their swords to block them one after another, and their tactics were decisive and not procrastinating. Only a few arrows shot through their barriers, shot into the boat, and then ignited a fire.

"Set up the formation." Jiulan Yunmo shouted loudly, the anger in his heart was like a burning flame, he couldn't drag it any longer.

As soon as the voice fell, the four people behind them surrounded the city immediately, and their figures slowly changed. The four people changed into eight, and then the eight people changed into sixteen. If the cycle continues, there are 32 people, and they are all so real, you can't tell flaw.

(End of this chapter)

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