Chapter 289 Battle at Sea 12
Lan Zihan narrowed her eyes slightly, looking at the formation, is this the difference of the Jiulan clan?
She saw the protective circle that Mo Wuchen and Li Shang had gathered just now, and she was only slightly stunned for a few seconds. There is such a technique in ancient times, which is invulnerable to swords and guns. Even Jiulan Yunmo was shocked at all when he shot it himself.

What's more, she has never seen this formation in any of the four countries, and Leng Yichen seldom uses it. It could be that the things left by the Jiulan clan are so weird and powerful.

Looking at the 32 people on the big boat opposite, their boat was at the forefront of the other boats, she knew that if she wanted to go to the land of the dark palace, she had to pass through them.

The corners of his mouth curled slightly, and he turned to Jiulan Yunbo and the others and said, "I'll try it."

Without waiting for any reaction from them, she flew up and flew towards the big ship ahead.


"Second sister-in-law."


Behind them were the shouts of Jiulan Yunbo and the others, but it was too late, and their eyes were fixed on the white figure.

"It'll be fine." Lan Zihan came to the big ship within a few breaths, and the 32 people immediately changed their formation and surrounded her tightly, without any loopholes or flaws.

Lan Zihan restrained her expression and focused on sizing up the 32 people who surrounded her, feeling like they were being attacked from all directions.

The dagger in his hand was already in his hand at some point, and the cold tip of the sword shone more and more under the sunlight.

"Girl, you want to die, I'll help you." Jiulan Yunmo watched Lan Zihan break into the formation alone, and sneered, coming just in time, he wants to see how she can get out alive.

"Then we'll wait and see." Lan Zihan snorted coldly, she didn't say a word, she already made a movement with her hands, her phoenix eyes aimed at one of them, she quickly stepped forward, approached, drew out the knife, wiped her throat, the movements were done in one go, so fast that it made people tongue-tied .And her body skills are weird, none of them can get close to her.

The dagger slashed across a person's neck, but it passed straight through his neck as if piercing through the air, without hurting him at all.

Unreal, Lan Zihan raised her eyebrows slightly.

The man gave a strange smile, and slashed towards Lan Zihan's body with a sharp and fast movement.

Lan Zihan's figure quickly backed away, her phoenix eyes looked at the man, damn it, she couldn't hurt him, he was an illusion, but he could hurt her, as if he was a real person.

The coldness in her body suddenly emerged, she underestimated them, but she likes challenges, the more the bloodthirsty factor in her body is stimulated, the more active it will be.

"Haha, girl, don't try to escape, you can't hurt them, you can only die inside, exhausted." Jiu Lan Yunmo laughed, looking at the situation just now, he felt a lot of relief.

This thousand-sided search and kill array was developed after several years of study, and the number of people they changed could be increased a lot. If it wasn't for the inconvenience of changing the number of people on this big ship, how could there be only 32 people at this time.

However, 32 people are enough to deal with her, even if he is included, she can't get any benefits, unless she finds a way to break the formation, and there is a hint of hostility in her eyes, it is impossible for her to find the location of the formation.

Lan Zihan sneered, ignored him, and couldn't escape, hehe. She never did anything that was not sure, and it was still the same this time.

(End of this chapter)

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