Chapter 290 Battle at Sea 13
The 32 people moved in unison, approaching Lan Zihan with long swords in their hands, swinging the swords, the sword tip glowed coldly, the expressions on the faces of the 32 people were almost exactly the same, they were all vicious and fierce.

Lan Zihan jumped up, stepped on the long swords coming from around her on her toes, and flew above their heads, half floating in the air, looking down at them, just like a king looking down on tiny ants.

The phoenix eyes were sharp and cold, looking at the 32 people, the corners of his mouth slowly curled up into a slight smile, which was a variant of the Eight Diagrams Seizing the Gate Formation, which was formed by the refraction of sunlight.Each person in the array holds a knife in one hand and a multi-edged silver medal in the other, using the special terrain and sunlight refraction to create a strange illusion.

She smiled coldly, bent down and went down, approaching one of them, stabbing his chest with the dagger in her hand.

The man snorted coldly, picked up the long sword to block, then swung the long sword in front of his chest, and swung it at Lan Zihan.

There was a sneer in Lan Zihan's eyes, and with a flash, his figure disappeared into everyone's eyes, and he came quietly behind the man, and the dagger in his hand slashed towards his arm, and at the same time quickly snatched the weapon in his hand, the dagger It spun quickly in her hand and flew towards the man beside her.

The dagger sliced ​​through the man's arm, did not stop, and continued to move forward quickly, knocking all the transformed figures into pieces.

The 32 people instantly returned to the original four, and all of them were pale and bloodless.

"Impossible, why did you break this formation?" Jiulan Yunmo looked at Lan Zihan in disbelief, and she could never have expected that she would break the formation he had studied for several years in such a short time Lose.

"Nothing is impossible." Lan Zihan smiled coldly, being too confident is not a good thing, there are people beyond people, and there is a sky beyond the sky.

This formation may be difficult for them, but for her from the 21st century, it is nothing. However, she has to be curious about Jiulan Yunmo's head. This is the principle of using sunlight refraction. An ancient man can actually see through it.

"Little girl, I have to say that you are very smart. There are very few people like you in the Jiulan clan." Jiulan Yunmo looked at Lan Zihan and said in a deep voice.

Her clever and wise mind, her weird figure and tactics, or her fierce and decisive moves all made him sigh. Compared with Jiulan Yunbo, she is even worse.

"However, because of this, I can't keep you. Give it to me." The conversation suddenly turned, his eyes were fierce, and he commanded the people behind him in a deep voice, and then flew towards Lan Zihan, as if venting his anger. The flood of the sluice, poured out.

The people behind him flew up in unison at the same time, heading towards Lan Zihan's direction.

"Damn it." Looking at the situation, Jiulan Yunbo couldn't stand here anymore, and flew towards Jiulan Yunmo, faster than them.

At the same moment, Mo Wuchen, Li Shang and Leng Luoyan on the boat also moved, and they all flew up together, heading towards where Lan Zihan was.

The people and horses behind them also moved.

The two parties, the Blood Palace and the Dark Palace, were at war with swords and swords.

When Jiulan Yunmo was about to get close to Lan Zihan, a figure suddenly blocked his way in front of him, looked up, and said coldly: "Hmph, I want to see if you win or I win."

(End of this chapter)

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