Chapter 293 Battle at Sea 16
Looking at this situation, Mo Wuchen pursed his mouth slightly, and there was a smile in his eyes.

"Little girl, who are you?" Jiulan Yunmo looked at Lan Zihan, trying to see through her.

He has never seen such a heaven-defying ability, and his Jiulan clan does not have this skill.Furthermore, he sent someone to inquire about the news. Lan Zihan has only been here for more than half a month. Where did she learn her weird martial arts? He didn't believe that she was just Jiulan Qingyan's daughter. Jiulan Qingyan doesn't know how to fight.

"Who do you say I am?" Lan Zihan allowed him to look at her generously, staring directly at him with her cold phoenix eyes, without giving in at all.

I don't feel funny in my heart, who is she, since she came here, she is Lan Zihan, she knows that what Jiulan Yunmo wants to ask is about her spiritual power, apart from what she has said to Leng Yichen, Would talk to no one again.

"Where did you learn that weird technique?" Jiulan Yunmo continued to ask, seeing her not dodging, her fearless eyes, her teeth itching unconsciously.

He didn't believe that if no one taught her, she would be able to, it was just a matter of whether she was willing to talk about it.He frowned secretly in his heart, but he had never heard of anyone having such an ability, all of this was too weird and profound, and he had nowhere to find it.

His words also asked the questions of many people present.

They looked at Lan Zihan one after another, waiting for her answer. These were too horrifying, and they still couldn't forget the scene just now.

"Hehe. Where does my martial arts master come from? What does it have to do with you? What qualifications do you have to question me?" Lan Zihan laughed a few times, squinting at Jiulan Yunmo, with sarcasm and sarcasm in her laughter chill.

No one has ever been able to ask the answer from her about the things she didn't want to say, and besides, he is not qualified to ask.

Jiulan Yunmo gritted her teeth and said word by word: "Could it be that you are not human?"

After asking, he himself felt that the question was too much of a lie. If she is not a human being, can she still be a god? He has never believed that there is such a god in this world, but her strange martial arts, It really made him suspicious.

"It's ridiculous. Could it be that you believe that there are gods and ghosts in this world? Is it because you are too vulgar or too superficial." Lan Zihan's body suddenly became cold, her eyes narrowed slightly, and she looked at Jiulan Yunmo.

She is human, but she is from the 21st century, a world that is thousands of years more advanced than here, so they naturally cannot understand the things in her world.

There have never been such gods and ghosts in this world, and she never believed in fate, nor did she believe in heaven. My fate is up to me, and her fate is in her own hands.

"Hey, old man, I don't see how superstitious you are. My second sister-in-law is not human, but I don't think you are human, because no one is as sinister and shameless as you." Leng Luoyan sneered, looking at Jiulan Yunmo, the second sister-in-law is not human, it's ridiculous, if the second brother is here, he will never tolerate someone questioning the second sister-in-law like this.

"Brother Luo Yan, what you said is very reasonable, and I think so too." Li Shang smiled lightly and sarcastically.

Lan Zihan is his cousin, no matter how powerful or abnormal she is, she is still his cousin, although he is not as good as her, but he still wants to protect her.

Mo Wuchen didn't speak, but there was a chill in the indifferent breath on his body.

(End of this chapter)

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