Chapter 294 Volcanic Eruption 1
"The more you live, the more you go back, and you believe those nonsense." Jiulan Yunbo frowned displeased, he would not allow someone to say that about Lan Zihan, he was too late to love her.

Jiulan Yunmo was silenced by what they said to each other, his complexion changed slightly, he didn't believe those things, these were all owned by Lan Zihan.

Could it be that he, Jiulan Yunbo, has to be restrained when he is a stranger? He has strength, a wise mind, and superb martial arts, but he is overshadowed by Jiulan Yunbo's halo.Now, his granddaughter is stronger than him, he refuses to accept, he is unwilling, why are all the good ones occupied by them, he has been waiting here for so many years, but he still ends up like this, he does not want to give in to them, he would rather stand He didn't bow his head even if he was about to die, and besides, the outcome is still undecided.

Even if Lan Zihan is different from ordinary people, so what if she is very strong, they are all in the same sea, and people from both sides are mixed together, so he doesn't believe that she dares to do it.

"I have nothing to talk to you guys. Today's battle will not stop without a victory or defeat. Either the blood palace will die or the dark palace will die." He put away the thoughts in his heart and said in a cold voice.

After so many years of hard work, he will not let it go to waste.

"All the people in the dark palace listen to me, cheer me up, so many years of hard work and waiting, can't be in vain, go to me and kill them." He raised his right hand high above his head, raised his head fiercely, and ordered people behind.

"Fight it, fight it!" Everyone on the dark palace boat roared loudly.

Their originally fearful hearts were all cheered up when they heard Jiulan Yunmo's words. They couldn't back down, they wanted to rush out.

"Do it." Jiulan Yunbo snorted coldly, looked at Jiulan Yunmo and raised the morale of those troops with a few words, without any expression, he ordered the people in the Blood Palace behind him in a deep voice.

In an instant, they moved, and the people from the Dark Palace approached towards the Blood Palace, and the Blood Palace also flew up towards the Dark Palace.

Swords were on the verge of breaking out, and the men and horses on both sides gradually approached, full of murderous intent.


Lan Zihan frowned slightly, closed her eyes slightly, and listened intently.

"Boom" was another sound.

Lan Zihan opened her eyes suddenly, turned her head to look into the distance, her phoenix eyes stared at that place, she suddenly stopped her body, and shouted to the person from the Blood Palace who rushed out: "Everyone retreat, go quickly."

Her hearing and eyesight are different from ordinary people, they are more sensitive, she has already heard what the noise is, her fists are slightly clenched, damn it.

"Retreat all for me." A majestic and domineering voice came.

Jiulan Yunbo didn't ask Lan Zihan, but he knew that Lan Zihan had her reasons for doing so.

Everyone who had heard Lan Zihan's voice looked at each other, not understanding why she said that, and suddenly heard Jiulan Yunbo's shout, without any further hesitation, they immediately turned around and retreated to the rear.

"What's the matter, what happened?" Mo Wuchen looked at Lan Zihan, he had never seen her so nervous before, what's the matter.

"The volcano erupted, damn it, there is a volcano over there, retreat quickly, you must leave here quickly." Lan Zihan pointed to the far right, a small independent island in the sea, she heard it right, it was the sound of a volcano about to erupt, He once saw it on a mission.

(End of this chapter)

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