The bloodthirsty prince and the cold concubine

Chapter 311 Reaching Out of Boundary

Chapter 311 Reaching Out of Boundary
Lan Zihan couldn't help laughing at his sad expression coupled with his cute baby face.

How could she not know that what he said were all jokes, his temperament is really similar to Leng Luoyan, although Leng Luoyan has matured and restrained a lot now, but that lively personality cannot be changed overnight , The two of them will always burst out that amazing words when they have nothing to do.

At this time, Leng Yichen and his party had already arrived outside the Blood Palace.

The mountains covered in silver look like snow waves rolled up by a strong wind in the sea, winding and undulating, endless.

The mountains are all down at the foot, appearing empty and lofty, so high that they can hold hands with the crescent moon and kiss their faces with the sun.

The mountains on both sides of the road are undulating, the forest sea is vast, and clusters of small yellow flowers are dotted in the middle of the green forest sea.

Longshouyan is a thousand feet above the ground, with dangerous peaks standing tall and jagged rocks. One huge cliff stands upright, and the other cuts across it, straight into the mountainside, like a dragon with its head raised, with extraordinary momentum.

The mountain peaks are confused and confused, looking up and looking forward, there are countless moths flying and shaking in the thousands of mountains and ravines, and all the peaks stand upright.

The group had already stopped and rested in place.

Leng Yichen looked at the map, and then at the mountain in front, frowning slightly, the map is correct, so, it should be here.But there is no road ahead, and there is no road around. His deep eyes are fixed on the towering mountain, and a strange color flashes across them, formation?

"Yichen, what's the matter?" Ye Feiyu who was on the side looked at his frowning, and couldn't help being surprised.

He also found that he had reached a dead end at this time, and there was a towering mountain in front of him. There was no road for them to pass. Could it be that they were going the wrong way?Shaking his head secretly, it should be impossible, who is Leng Yichen, how could he go the wrong way.

"There is a maze ahead." Leng Yichen said in a deep voice.

Looking at the towering and abrupt mountain in front again, the thought in my heart was confirmed.

"Can it be cracked?" Ye Feiyu asked the people beside him in a deep voice, looking at the strange rocky and towering peaks.

He couldn't see anything unusual about that mountain, if Leng Yichen didn't tell him, he would have thought it was a dead end, but that mountain was so real and lifelike, he couldn't see anything special about it.

He also has some understanding of the maze, but he really has no clue about the mountain in front of him. Leng Yichen should have a solution.

Leng Yichen narrowed his eyes slightly, his deep and dark eyes were like a vast starry sky, people could not see the edge at a glance, and couldn't see clearly what he was thinking.

"Is there anything special?" Ye Feiyu looked at his frowning and thoughtful expression, and also suppressed the smile on his face. It was the first time he saw him so deep and unpredictable.

Is there anything unusual about this maze?
Leng Yichen closed his eyes and said in a deep voice: "This maze is extraordinary, it is different from the mazes I have seen, it is intricate."

He looked at the mountain peak without any flaws, that perfect without any flaws, for the first time he felt confused and a little dignified.

Ye Feiyu paused in his heart, looked at the solemn look on his face, and couldn't help but smile slightly: "Can you crack this formation?"

Although it was the first time for him to see his solemn expression, he didn't worry too much. He believed that as long as Leng Yichen was given time, he would break the formation.

Therefore, compared to Leng Yichen, he is not worried.

(End of this chapter)

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