Chapter 312 Breaking the Maze 1
Leng Yichen glanced at him, looked at the smile on his face, and said coldly: "Are you happy?"

Seeing that he was not far away from the Blood Palace, thinking that his little guy was inside, and thinking that he would see Lan Zihan soon, he felt anxious as well as looking forward to and missing him.

I haven't seen her for a month, and he misses her very much.Every day he quickened his pace and rushed towards this direction, just wanting to see her sooner, but now being blocked by this maze, he felt a little irritated in his heart.

Ye Feiyu was at a loss for words, shook his head and said in a deep voice: "How can I be happy, you should crack this formation earlier, so that we can get in as soon as possible, I don't know what happened to them inside."

At this time, there was a feeling of resentment in his heart. A man who is ascetic is really scary, especially the kind of man who is separated from his lover. He is so close to each other, but he can't see each other. The cooling breath on his body is a good proof.

Leng Yichen listened to his words, with a slight solemnity between his brows, he also wanted to see her sooner, the most urgent thing was to settle the matter before him, no matter how much he thought about it, it was just nonsense.

He went straight to the majestic mountain, three meters away from the mountain, looked up at the strange rocky, towering mountain, staring at it closely, not letting go of any place, walked forward and beat Stone, frowning slightly.

He raised his head and looked up, flew up, came to a stone tip and stood there, looked down, looked at the surrounding mountain peaks, abrupt stones, and the slightly frowning brows never slowed down.

He couldn't see, he couldn't see what was strange about this mountain, what was strange about it.

The fists hidden in the sleeves were clenched slightly, eyes were slightly closed, and he took a deep breath.If the Blood Palace didn't have some mysteries, it would have been discovered long ago after being hidden for so many years.

The corners of his mouth slowly curled up, he will not be in a hurry, he must be calm, haste makes waste, the more anxious he is, the more helpless he will be, he must calm down, he has already reached the boundary of the blood palace, he will calm down Observe, this maze must be broken, this is the only way for him to get in.

He wouldn't expect someone inside to open the maze, that's impossible, remembering the flashing smile on Li Shang's face when Mo Wuchen handed over the drawings to him, he gradually understood in his heart .

With a cold snort, he wanted to block him out of bounds and test him, he wasn't that weak yet.

Ye Feiyu looked at Leng Yichen on the half-peak from below, shook his head and laughed, and walked towards Xi Lei and Xi Dian who were resting under the big tree behind them.

Xi Lei and Xi Dian were discussing something, but when they saw Ye Feiyu walking towards them, they both stood up.

Xi Lei asked in a deep voice: "Young Master Ye, what's wrong with the prince?"

He also saw Leng Yichen who was staying above the half-peak, and after following Leng Yichen for so long, he somewhat understood that there must be something wrong.

"Yeah, Mr. Ye, what's wrong with the prince?" Xi Dian couldn't help interjecting.

Ye Feiyu sat down and smiled: "I'm in trouble."

He doesn't know as much about mazes as Leng Yichen, nor is he as familiar with them, so it's better for him to wait here.

"What's the trouble?" The two asked in unison.

They are well aware of the power of their lord, but the lord rarely encounters unsolvable things, and now he is still in trouble, which is not an easy matter.

(End of this chapter)

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