Chapter 333
"It's not a volcanic eruption." Lan Zihan shook her head, this is not a phenomenon of volcanic eruption, besides, it is a dormant volcano, it will not be so frequent, and the sound does not come from the sea.

Suddenly, his eyes narrowed slightly, not from the sea, he stood up abruptly, his phoenix eyes looked at the surrounding scene, he calmed down and listened to the source of the noise.

"Booming" came another sound, even more intense than the one just now.

"Southeast direction." Leng Yichen said in a deep voice.

At the same moment he opened his mouth, Lan Zihan also opened his eyes and looked towards the southeast. She also noticed that the sound came from the southeast.

It was a mountain peak. On the majestic cloud peak, the cliffs were suddenly shining;

Surrounded by water on all sides, isolated peaks stand tall, the trees on the mountain are luxuriant, the green bamboos are overcast, the mountain walls are steep, and the river is surging.

I saw the towering dark green mountains, the lush trees all over the mountains, the vast blue sky, and the wispy wisps of clouds just constituted an elegant and interesting light ink landscape painting.

The peak is shrouded in clouds and mist, and the mountain path is winding, like a ribbon falling down from the clouds. Tourists are like small white dots scattered on the ribbon, moving slowly upwards.

That mountain peak is the tallest one here, standing tall and straight, with faint clouds and mist floating around it, surrounding it in the middle, separating it from the surrounding peaks by a little distance.

Lan Zihan raised her eyebrows and looked at the mountain in surprise. She had been here for more than 20 days, but she hadn't observed the surrounding scenery much. This mountain was so strange, she was really negligent.

"Have you ever been to that mountain?" She looked at Mo Wuchen and Li Shang, and asked in a deep voice.

The place where the sound happened was that mountain peak.

"I have been there, but this kind of situation has never happened before." Mo Wuchen shook his head. He usually went to that mountain to collect medicine, but there was nothing unusual about that mountain peak. Why is it trembling now?

"I have been to all the peaks here, and the scenery inside that peak is the most beautiful, but other than that, there is nothing unusual." Li Shang said in a deep voice.

He often went to that mountain peak when he was a child, where the fairy mist was shrouded, and the manjusawa inside was the most lush, and the scenery was also the best. He would go there to play every now and then, but there was really nothing unusual there.

"Start the boat and go to that mountain." Lan Zihan frowned slightly and said in a deep voice.

"Okay." Li Shang nodded, ran to control the direction, and headed towards the southeast. He also wanted to know what happened to that mountain.

"How could there be a jade pendant on the bottom of the sea? Did someone here drop it? It shouldn't be possible." Ye Feiyu narrowed his eyes slightly. If it was dropped by someone here, how could it be such a scene.

That is like a mechanism, not sunk from the sea.

Everyone looked at Mo Wuchen in unison, the meaning was obvious.

Mo Wuchen received the gazes of several people and shook his head: "This jade pendant does not belong to the people in the blood palace, let alone grandfather's. There is no such pendant."

If it was something from them, how could he not know.

"That's my jade pendant, I don't know why it's here." Lan Zihan said softly.

She has nothing to hide, but she will not tell them that she is from the 21st century, as long as Leng Yichen knows.

(End of this chapter)

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