Chapter 334 Mysterious Palace 1
Leng Yichen knew in his heart that he had never seen her wear this jade pendant before, and he also supported her, it should be her modern jade pendant.Just, why is it here?He was also very puzzled.

Mo Wuchen and the others listened and didn't question it. They had gone through so many experiences and hardships together, so why did they question her? They believed in her, they wouldn't doubt or speculate, she was very important.

While talking and laughing, he gradually approached the mountain peak and stopped 20 meters away from the mountain peak.

The trembling sound of "Boom" became more and more intense, and the whole mountain trembled.

"Boom" was another violent sound.

"That mountain is not going to collapse." Leng Luoyan frowned slightly, looking at the trembling mountain, said in a deep voice.

Anyone has the same thoughts, trembling so violently and frequently, it really seems to be a sign of collapse.

"Wait and see." Leng Yichen held Lan Zihan's hand tightly with his big hand, and said in a deep voice.

Yes, it's useless to wait and see what happens. If you want to know what's going on, you'll know in a while.

"Boom!" The whole mountain trembled violently. On the towering peak, stones, flowers and plants fell in all directions. The vegetation flew horizontally, and the peak trembled violently, as if something was about to break through the ground.

The sound of "rumbling" shook the sky.

The peak split open, and a huge monster rose slowly, but because the mountain was shrouded in clouds and fog all year round, and now it was full of vegetation and dust, it was impossible to see what was coming out of the peak at this time.

As the breeze passed, the dust and debris rolled down the mountain. Because the mountain peak was too high, the things that rolled down directly fell far away.

Li Shang sailed the boat some distance away, everyone covered their eyes and did not look up.

The huge sound of "rumbling" resounded through the world.

After a long time, the movement of the mountain gradually became smaller, and then stopped trembling and returned to its original state.

The clouds and mist on the summit gradually decreased and became thinner. Although it was still surrounded by clouds and mist, compared with the chaotic scene just now, it could already be seen clearly at this moment.

Lan Zihan turned her head, her phoenix eyes stared at the mountain peak, and there was a touch of shock in her eyes.

Leng Yichen also looked back, his deep and dark eyes were three parts shocked, three parts surprised and four parts solemn.

Mo Wuchen's water-clear eyes were also filled with shock, and then gradually faded away.

Li Shang and the others were the most exaggerated, the shock in their eyes couldn't be concealed, and they were so excited that they didn't know what words to use to describe the scene before them.

The mountains are overlapping, like the undulating sea, majestic and magnificent.

Looking from a distance, the whole mountain looks like a gleaming snow lotus, which does not need any beautiful decoration, it is the most perfect miracle of nature itself.

Heavy rocks overlap, covering the sky and blocking out the sun.

On that peak stood a palace, with a noble and domineering appearance, looking like a heavenly palace from a distance, which was difficult for ordinary people to reach, and the surrounding clouds and mists added an ethereal and mysterious feeling to it.

The shock in Lan Zihan's eyes froze for a few seconds, her phoenix eyes were fixed on the towering palace, with a pull in her heart, she walked in, walked in.He couldn't help shaking his head, shaking off the strangeness in his heart, and frowned slightly, how could there be a palace on this mountain?And it's still at the bottom of the mountain.

(End of this chapter)

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