Chapter 336 Mysterious Palace 3
"Go in." Lan Zihan said in a deep voice.Then he walked towards the gate of the palace with Leng Yichen.

Mo Wuchen and the others also followed.

The red-gold gate is deep and heavy.

"Squeak!" No one pushed the door of the palace, and it opened slowly.

The six people looked at each other and walked towards the hall together.

Walking into the main hall, one feels a sense of coolness and comfort, the surroundings are bright, and the decorations inside are all made of crystal.

In the center is a crystal square platform about two meters high, on which is placed a crystal carved dragon throne, behind which is a carved dragon screen, and on both sides of the square platform are six tall dragon crystal pillars, each of which is coiled with a vigorous golden dragon.Looking up at the top of the hall, there is a huge carved dragon and beaulieu on the central caisson. A large silver-white round bead hangs from the mouth of the dragon, surrounded by six small beads. The faucet and the orb are facing the crystal throne below. The colorful paintings are gorgeous, clear and pleasing to the eye.

A huge moon bead hangs on the top of the treasure in the hall, shining like a bright moon.The ground is covered with white jade, embedded with golden beads, the ground is chiseled into a lotus, and it looks like five lotus flowers.

Everyone felt as if they had entered the Crystal Palace, pure and clear, noble and elegant.I saw the cloud-top sandalwood as the beams in the bedroom, the crystal jade as the lamp, the pearl as the curtain, and Fan Jin as the pillar foundation.A crocodile twirled tent hangs beside the six-foot wide bed of aquilaria wood, embroidered with begonia flowers sprinkled with beads and silver thread all over the tent, and the wind moves like a magical sea falling into the clouds.

Lan Zihan slightly raised her willow eyebrows, so many crystals, so pure, that crystal chair, you can vaguely see the elegance and domineering of the people who lived there before, who actually lived in this palace?
Who has such a great ability to hide the palace under the mountain, and can hide it so well.

Jiulan Yunbo came here decades ago, so who lived here before?
Looking at the palace, it is already certain that no one has lived in it for a long time.Everything is full of doubts.

"There's a hidden hole here, I really didn't find it." Ye Feiyu was not joking, and his tone was serious.

"Well, I've never discovered it before. Although this mountain is shrouded in clouds and mist all the year round and has beautiful scenery, there is nothing special about the rest, so it has never been discovered." Li Shang said in a deep voice with a slightly restrained expression.

The entire palace reveals a sense of majesty. Even though no one has lived in it for many years, the glory and aura of the past are deeply rooted and lingering, and the pressure of the emperor is very strong.The coercion of this emperor is different from Jiulan Yunbo's restrained domineering spirit that has gone through many vicissitudes, making people surrender from the bottom of their hearts.It is also different from Leng Yichen's innate kingly aura, which gives people a sense of oppression.

This is the deadly aura belonging to the superior, like a king overlooking all living beings, all the living things in the world are in his hands, whoever he wants will be born, he will be born.Whoever he wants to die will die, as if you are an ant in front of him, such a small existence.

All six of them felt this strong coercion and deterrence.

Even Leng Yichen frowned.
The hands hidden in the sleeves clenched slightly, and the cold air on his body gradually became stronger. He didn't like this feeling, damn it, this palace was very depressing.

The breath of Li Shang and the others was not very stable.

(End of this chapter)

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