Chapter 337 Mysterious Palace 4
The coercion in this palace is too strong, and those who are unstable and weak in concentration may not be able to bear it long ago.

Lan Zihan narrowed her eyes slightly, looking at the surrounding scenery, but found nothing special.

"Squeak..." The heavy halls automatically and slowly closed, with a burst of sound.

"My child, welcome back." A deep male voice came, with the arrogance and domineering contempt for all beings in the tone, as well as the endless coercion, which made people surrender from the heart, just like the truth of God.

The six people were all on alert, all on guard.

"Haha..." It was the man's domineering and majestic voice again, with a dispassionate indifference in his laughter.

"My daughter, my father has been ashamed of you and your mother in his life. He promised your mother to take care of you for the rest of his life, but I failed to do so. This is my greatest regret and pain." The man's voice, It continued to spread, circulating in the entire hall, seemingly helpless, repentant, and finally turned into a deep sigh.

Everyone in the hall is inexplicable, daughter?The only woman here is Lan Zihan, could it be that she is talking about?Qi Qi turned to look at Lan Zihan, but there was no expression on her face, and they couldn't help shaking their heads, how could it be possible, she has a father.

"Our Zishi family is very mysterious. We are all born with spiritual power, and there are abnormal people. Because of this, we are not born ordinary people. Your mother and we are a family. She and I were childhood sweethearts, and we got married later. Married, decided to be with you for the rest of your life. Then your mommy was pregnant with you in October, she was very happy, and we were all looking forward to your arrival." The tone seemed to be full of nostalgia and memories.

Lan Zihan's eyes were slightly opened, and she didn't speak, but the aura on her body became cold, as cold as the cold river of ten thousand years.

In the Zishi family, there is a purple on her jade pendant, and she is also born with spiritual power.So, was he the daughter he was talking about?Clenching his fists tightly, the murderous aura on his body was very strong.

Leng Yichen noticed her strangeness, took her small hand with his big hand, and said softly, "I'm here."

Others don't understand, but he understands, he has seen Lan Zihan's jade pendant, there is a purple character, and the man's words said that their family was born with spiritual power.He remembered that Lan Zihan had told him that she had spiritual power.The daughter in this man's mouth is undoubtedly Lan Zihan.

Lan Zihan's body paused slightly, her breath gradually calmed down, she also held his big hand with her backhand, the corners of her lips slightly curled up, and smiled back: "Yes."

She knew that the rest of the people didn't notice, but Leng Yichen did, sensed it, and understood it.

Although she hated her parents who abandoned her, she suppressed the hatred in her heart, now listening to what the male voice in the palace said, she thought of all the things she had done in the 21st century, she resented, she was unwilling, she hated them.

She was too excited, the floodgates of her memory were opened, so she became emotionally unstable. This was the first time since she became the head of the mercenaries, the first time she showed her emotions, and the first time she couldn't suppress her emotions. So angry once.

I am here.

One sentence, I am here, soothed the restlessness in her heart and brought her back to reality.

Those two short words were so warm, reassuring and obsessive to her.

The most beautiful words in the world are not the word love you, nor the false promise, but, I am here, not gorgeous, but short but full, everything you want to express, everything you want to say, is contained in these two words middle.

(End of this chapter)

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