The bloodthirsty prince and the cold concubine

Chapter 343 A Strange Life Experience 6

Chapter 343 A Strange Life Experience 6
Even if they don't believe it anymore, what they saw in this palace and what they heard made them believe it. This is the truth.

They have all seen Lan Zihan's sky-defying ability, she is cold and indifferent, cold and ruthless, she is by no means the timid and cowardly Lan Zihan who dare not speak.Most importantly, they believed in her.

Lan Zihan walked towards the crystal seat step by step, her expression was indifferent, and a strangeness flashed in her eyes. Only she knew that she was curious about her parents. After all, she came to this world without any She had seen them, she didn't know them, she was curious about their appearance.

Leng Yichen's starry eyes followed her closely, but he didn't move, just staring at her closely.

Leng Luoyan and the others didn't bother her, they knew what she was going to do, they were already amazed by this crystal palace, and they didn't know what the other world the man was talking about.

Lan Zihan's figure approached the crystal seat, and it didn't take long before she was in front of the crystal seat.Stretch out your right hand, touch the perch, move your eyes, it is loose and can move.The right hand turns that crystal to the right.

"Boom" came from her right.

Lan Zihan narrowed her eyes slightly, turned her head to look at the source of the sound, and saw that the crystal wall was slowly moving away to both sides. If you didn't look carefully, you really wouldn't notice anything unusual about the wall.

Everyone also fixed their eyes on the slowly separating crystal wall.

"Boom!" There was another sound, and the crystal wall stopped moving apart and never moved again.

Behind the crystal wall is another landscape.

It was a quiet bamboo forest, surrounded by willows, the branches were hanging down, and the breeze blew by, bringing a fresh breath.

Lan Zihan restrained her expression slightly, and walked towards the bamboo forest.

Leng Yichen stepped forward to hold her, clasped his fingers tightly, smiled softly, walked forward together with her without any hesitation.

Mo Wuchen and the others also stepped forward and followed behind them.

As soon as you step into the bamboo forest, the fresh and pure air will make you feel refreshed. This is different from the air outside. The fresh air has the fragrance of flowers, and the air here is pure without any impurities.

At a glance, there is a quiet path ahead, surrounded by a bamboo forest, the green bamboo grows very lush, lush, green, the pure blue sky, and the green scenery are all natural scenery.

Lan Zihan and Leng Yichen walked towards that path, they were like a couple of gods who fell into the mortal world by mistake, greedy for the mortal world and fell here by mistake, the silhouettes they carried together were so beautiful, harmonious and matched.

The few people behind were all dumbfounded.

There was a smile in Mo Wuchen's clear eyes, and a slight smile on the corner of his lips. They really matched each other, a couple of gods and gods.

Lan Zihan in front of her noticed the strangeness behind her, she stopped, turned her head to look at a few people, and raised her eyebrows in surprise: "Aren't you leaving?"

Leng Yichen also stopped walking and turned to look at the few people.

"Go." Mo Wuchen was the first to react, and smiled softly.

"Of course." Li Shang responded with a smile and said.

"Then let's go." Lan Zihan chuckled lightly, without saying anything more, and walked forward with Leng Yichen, this quiet path seemed quite long.

Several people looked at each other and followed.

(End of this chapter)

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