Chapter 344 European Villa 1
The dense and verdant bamboo stands in two rows along the path, and the green bamboo leaves are gradually enclosed at the top, so that the strong sunlight and the scorching heat in late summer are isolated, and the tall green bamboo forest hides the whole park. It is dense in it, there are passages at the twists and turns, and the passages are full of bamboo forests.

Lan Zihan and Leng Yichen walked forward slowly, suddenly, their figures froze, and their phoenix eyes were fixed on the scene in front of them.

Leng Yichen noticed her strangeness, and followed her gaze, a look of astonishment flashed across his eyes.

Leng Luoyan and his group behind him also noticed it, and stared blankly ahead.

In the secluded mountain forest, a set of European-style villas come into view. Careful observation is made of overlapping wooden boards. The pointed roof and crimson roof tiles are particularly eye-catching under the sunlight.

An exquisite and beautiful villa is scattered in the shade of green trees. Being in it seems to be far away from all the hustle and bustle of the city. The feeling of tranquility and remoteness is fascinating.

The combination of Chinese and Western architecture is so harmonious, the basic charm of Chinese style and the architectural symbols and details of Western style complement each other, not only full of aesthetic pleasure, but more importantly, it makes living comfortable and close to nature.The layout of the external space has the feeling of being enclosed by a Chinese-style house, and the whole reflects the advantages of being small and refined.

Lan Zihan was stunned for more than ten seconds before she came to her senses, her eyes were complicated, this is a modern European-style villa, how long has it been since she saw it, something from the 21st century, the corners of her mouth slowly curled up, she likes this villa villa.

Leng Yichen looked at the expression in her eyes, the corners of her mouth were slightly pursed, and then she looked forward, as if she understood something.

Compared to the two of them, Leng Luoyan and the others were confused for a while.

"Second sister-in-law, what is this?" Leng Luoyan looked at Lan Zihan puzzled, he had never seen it before.

Mo Wuchen, Ye Feiyu and Li Shang also looked at Lan Zihan in puzzlement. Could this be the other world that the man said?
"The house in my world." Lan Zihan said softly, and walked towards the villa in front of her.

Leng Yichen understood, smiled, and followed.

Leng Luoyan was stunned for a few seconds, his eyes widened slightly, and he ran up quickly.

The house in the second sister-in-law's world is completely different from theirs here, unheard of, unseen, and the curiosity in my heart is rising.

Ye Feiyu and the others also followed with strides.

The villa has three floors. Since it is built against the mountain, the scenery on each floor has its own advantages and disadvantages.Entering the gate, there is a small path paved with cobblestones. On both sides of the path are a row of stone benches. On the stone benches, there are bonsai flowers and trees in various shapes, which is pleasing to the eye.Turn the path to the left and you will see a moon gate. Enter the moon gate and you will be in the yard on the first floor of the villa.

Plain and delicate, it looks natural, relaxed, casual and rustic. Combined with the hydrophilic platform, swimming pool and corridor in the courtyard, it presents a life style of American country style.

Elegant, sophisticated and comfortable, the porch and foyer stretch to the north and south, the living room and bedroom are equipped with low windows and hexagonal bay windows, the dining room is connected to the north and south, and the indoor and outdoor scenes are blended.

Fresh and unconventional, white stucco walls combined with light red roof tiles, continuous arches and corridors, and a living room with high and large windows make people feel swaying.

In the hall, the furnishings are all modern, all modern things.

The corner of Lan Zihan's mouth showed a curve.

(End of this chapter)

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