Chapter 353 Pregnant 1
Lan Zihan didn't speak, she took a piece of diced chicken and put it into her mouth, chewed, her stomach tumbling, feeling uncomfortable, Liu Mei frowned slightly, got up and went to the bathroom.

Leng Yichen noticed something was wrong with her, and frowned, with worry in his brows, he also got up to follow.

Lan Zihan's strangeness attracted the attention of several people at the dinner table, and they all stopped their movements.

"What happened to the second sister-in-law?" Leng Luoyan was puzzled, the second sister-in-law was always in good health, what happened now?
Ye Feiyu shook his head, he didn't know.

Li Shang also opened his eyes, blinked at the few people, shook his head, he didn't know what happened to his cousin.

Eat something bad?It should be impossible, and this idea should be rejected immediately.

Mo Wuchen looked towards the direction where Lan Zihan disappeared, thinking secretly.

Several people talked about it to no avail, and they didn't speculate any more. They would know after a while that there was Mo Wuchen here, and everything would be fine.

Lan Zihan only felt her stomach tumbling, she vomited for a while, then washed it with water, her brows were furrowed, she did not eat anything wrong, the food was non-toxic, so what happened to her?

Leng Yichen looked at her not-so-good complexion, frowned slightly, and worried in his eyes: "Are you feeling better?"

It was the first time he saw her like this, and the worry in his heart remained undiminished.

"Well, it's all right." Lan Zihan's complexion has gradually returned to ruddy, and the uncomfortable feeling came and went quickly. She is also very strange, but she knows her body well, and nothing happened.

"Go out and let Mo Wuchen take a look." The worried look on Leng Yichen's brows still hasn't disappeared, and he led her outside.

His heart was full of ups and downs, as long as there was something about his little woman, he would not remain calm, and he would only be relieved if he decided to let Mo Wuchen take a look.

"Okay." Lan Zihan smiled and didn't care too much. There was nothing wrong with her body, but she didn't refute it either. She knew that Leng Yichen was worried about her, and there was nothing wrong with her, which made him feel at ease.

"Cousin, are you alright?" Li Shang asked in a deep voice when he saw the two walking out together.

Lan Zihan shook her head, walked up to Mo Wuchen, and stretched out her hand, which meant, obviously, to check her pulse to see if there was anything wrong.

Mo Wuchen understood, he wanted to take her pulse even if she didn't tell her.Rolling up some sleeves of her right hand, feeling for her pulse, a look of astonishment flashed across her eyes.

"What's wrong?" Leng Yichen kept staring at them, saw the look in his eyes, and asked in a deep voice.

Is there really something wrong with Lan Zihan's body?The worry between his brows remained undiminished, and his expression was solemn.

Mo Wuchen lowered her wrist and smiled faintly: "It's okay."

There was nothing unusual about her body, it was fine.

"She's pregnant, and you're going to be a father." It was a faint tone again, but there was a faint smile in the tone.

Leng Yichen was originally worried about Lan Zihan's body. When he heard Mo Wuchen say nothing happened, he breathed a sigh of relief. The words that came down made Lei feel tender inside and outside.

She is pregnant and you are going to be a father.

He only felt buzzing in his head, and these words kept echoing in his mind.

Lan Zihan is pregnant, and he is going to be a father.

He has lived for more than 20 years, and he has never experienced such abnormalities. It was the first time that he lost control of his emotions and was stunned for more than ten seconds.

(End of this chapter)

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