Chapter 354 Pregnant 2
"I'm pregnant." Leng Yichen regained his composure, fixed his gaze on Lan Zihan, his heart was extremely complicated, there were surprise, shock, and joy.

His little one is pregnant with his child.

Lan Zihan was also slightly startled, she was pregnant?She thought it was a trivial matter, she knew her body all along, no wonder she vomited, it turned out.
She never thought that she would be pregnant. She never thought about such a thing. She has been busy during this time, and only these days are free.She is pregnant?Leng Yichen just came yesterday, she couldn't have been there yesterday, her eyes narrowed slightly, so she was pregnant when she was in Tianchen.

She was running around, but the child was still safely in her womb, and the child's vitality was very good.

She had no experience as a mother, she wasn't ready for that, and she didn't know how she felt.There was consternation, surprise, and that faint joy.

Lan Zihan caressed her lower abdomen with one hand, and the corner of her mouth curled up. This is her and Leng Yichen's child. She doesn't hate this feeling. Having a child should be good, and it feels like home.

"Wow, the second sister-in-law is pregnant." Leng Luoyan giggled, staring at Lan Zihan's belly, but nothing unusual could be seen.

"Cousin, congratulations." Li Shang's delicate and lovely baby's face was full of smiles, and he didn't expect that Lan Zihan's strange body was pregnant, but this was undoubtedly a big surprise.

Ye Feiyu looked at Lan Zihan with both eyes, smiled and said nothing.

Lan Zihan smiled slightly, holding Leng Yichen's hand and walking towards the door.

Li Shang and the others looked at each other without disturbing, and continued to eat the food in front of them.

The soaring waterfall bends down like an eagle, and the huge sound is like the roar of a wild lion, which is deafening.

The waterfall was like a gift from the gods, hanging down from the sky, and the "thumping" sound of hitting the rocks on the shore changed the whispering of the grass blades being blown by the breeze.
When the waterfall goes down, the sound of water and water beating is amazing, as if people all over the world are clapping their hands and making a loud sound.
The water is clear, so clear that it turns green, and it is as green as a large piece of jasper and flawless emerald.Whenever the water waves rise, they will stir up splashes, and the momentum is like a galloping horse.
The turbulent river clings to the cliff and roars down, torrenting and rushing for thousands of miles.
Walking to the waterfall, I saw silvery white water pouring down like a grandfather's white beard.The wind blew over, blowing the water into a light mist and spraying it on my face, it was cool.There are a few streams of water that seem to be in a hurry, rushing down in a hurry, accidentally hitting the rocks, splashing water, like flying beads and broken jade, crystal and lovely.
The woman was dressed in white clothes, she had a gentle expression, and the corners of her lips were curved.The man was dressed in a black robe, with sculpted handsome features, deep starry eyes, and a cold face. When he looked at the woman in his arms, there was a doting look in his eyes.

From a distance, it looks like a beautiful picture.

"Chen, do you like children?" Lan Zihan sat on the grass, leaning on Leng Yichen's shoulder, and asked softly.

She didn't know if Leng Yichen liked children or not, but she was looking forward to the day when the child in her womb was born.

"I like it." Leng Yichen smiled indulgently, stroking her long hair, and the icy breath on her body softened.

This is his and her child, he didn't think about it before, but now that he is pregnant, he likes it.

(End of this chapter)

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