Chapter 355 Pregnant 3
"Yeah." Lan Zihan smiled, she had never been in contact with children, but she was looking forward to the birth of the baby in her womb.

"When do you plan to go back?" Leng Yichen asked.

Now she is pregnant, at least two months, so he needs to ask when they will go back, so he can prepare for it.

When he came here, he also saw the unstoppable smile on Leng Yufeng's gentle jade face, full of pride, expectation, and pampering, all of which were overflowing with tenderness.

He used to be very curious, the emperor's wife was pregnant, and the emperor's brother was very happy, he didn't understand.However, now he understands and empathizes with you. Only when you experience it yourself, can you fully understand the meaning of it.

"We'll go back when the matter of the dark palace is settled." Lan Zihan thought of Jiulan Yunmo, keeping it is an unknown danger, which must be resolved as soon as possible. If she goes back now, she can't feel at ease.

Jiulan Yunbo and Hua Xiyan, she likes the people in Blood Palace, she doesn't want them to have trouble, so even though she knows that Jiulan Yunbo has the strength and ability to deal with Jiulan Yunmo, she still wants to wait for the Dark Palace to solve it leave again.

And you can spend more time with them, this is what she left for them, she knows that Jiulan Yunbo and Hua Xiyan are reluctant for her to leave so early, when Leng Yichen came, she keenly captured them The reluctance in the eyes.

Although she will leave sooner or later, it is possible to leave more memories for them. Anyway, she is not in a hurry, and Leng Yichen has just come here, so she can play for a few more days.

"Okay." Leng Yichen smiled indulgently, he had no objections, and Tianchen was fine, so he could stay for a while.

He knows that his little guy has changed a lot, not as cold and ruthless as he first met her, she is slowly changing, he is very happy, he gives her warmth, love, pampering and tenderness, but he I know that there is not only one love in her life, and it is a pity that she never had family affection before.

So, now that there is an opportunity, he will not stop it, and he can see that Jiulan Yunbo and Hua Xiyan love Lan Zihan.

"The scenery here is nice and beautiful." Lan Zihan looked at the waterfall not far in front, the sound of rushing water, a calm, peaceful and beautiful atmosphere in her heart.

Counting it, she has lived two lifetimes, and she has never enjoyed such a peaceful life. These days, she enjoys it quite a bit, and can temporarily put aside those trivial matters.

"Well, if you like it, I'll bring you to live here when the world calms down." Leng Yichen hugged her tightly, smelling her breath, and pursed his lips slightly.

As long as she likes it, he will obey. She likes this place, and he can bring her here to live a peaceful life after everything is calm.

"Don't you feel bored?" Lan Zihan raised her eyebrows and looked at Leng Yichen.

"If you like it, I like it. It's good to have you." Leng Yichen smiled fondly, as long as she was there, it didn't matter where she was, and he didn't have much ambition for power.

As long as he is with her, it is as if he has the whole world. He cherishes her.

"I'm not used to it. You don't need to accommodate me like this. We can just live in the Prince Chen's Mansion." Lan Zihan smiled, feeling a warm current in her heart.

This man gave her endless pampering, endless tenderness, and endless love. He pampered her. He said that as long as she liked it, he would like it.

(End of this chapter)

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