Chapter 356 Pregnant 4
She has felt more than once that meeting him is really the luck of her life.

A man who loves her so much and pampers her so much, it's a lie that she doesn't move. How lucky to meet him in this life.

All she can do is love him well.She has never loved anyone, but all of this was before meeting Leng Yichen.

"En." Leng Yichen lowered his head to cover her red lips, and kissed her lightly, very gently.

His little woman, he couldn't put it down.

"This child's vitality is really strong." Lan Zihan stroked her abdomen, the corners of her mouth slightly hooked.

She was always exercising aggressively and fighting with people. The scene of the volcanic eruption a few days ago was still so spectacular, and the child in her belly was fine. She was lucky, her child was as strong as her.

"Recover after going back, health is important." Leng Yichen frowned slightly, he suddenly remembered how Leng Yufeng cared and cared for Xia Yiyu, for fear that she might have any accident or malnutrition.

Comparing Xia Yiyu and Lan Zihan, there is a world of difference.

One recuperates in the greenhouse, awaiting the arrival of the child.One is working hard in the bloody storm, the difference is too much.

However, he would not regard Lan Zihan as Xia Yiyu, they are two kinds of people that cannot be mixed together at all, but no matter how strong she is, she still needs to rest well.

"It's okay, there's no need to make a fuss, the child is not that fragile." Lan Zihan's lips curled up.

If it weren't for today's abnormality, maybe she would have found out that she was pregnant even later.

"Are you tired, do you want to go back and rest?" Leng Yichen looked at the sky, dusk was coming.

She has been busy for so long today, so she should have a good rest.

"Okay." Lan Zihan nodded with a smile.

Today is Youhai, this palace, her life experience, and her pregnancy, so she is really tired.

"Let's go back." Leng Yichen got up, pulled her up, embraced her body and walked towards the bamboo forest.

Under the light of dusk, the figures of the two gradually elongated, comfortable and beautiful.

When they returned to the villa, Li Shang and the others had disappeared, Leng Yichen and Lan Zihan didn't care about this, and walked towards the second floor.

The devices in this room are all modern, she doesn't know how Zi Mingfeng did it, but she is not very interested.

In the room, Lan Zihan washed up, then lay down on the bed, and soon fell asleep.

Maybe it was because of her pregnancy, or maybe she was too busy today, so she slept very deeply, and soon fell asleep.

When Leng Yichen came out, what he saw was Lan Zihan's peaceful face, sleeping peacefully.

He walked in gently, lifted the quilt and lay down too, hugged her into his arms, with a look of satisfaction on the corner of his mouth.He pressed a kiss on her forehead and fell asleep peacefully.

The night is as cool as water, bright as stars, and the stars in the night sky seem to be heralding something, as if they are telling something, it is very beautiful.

In the bamboo forest, dots of starlight are wandering around. They are fireflies flying in the whole bamboo forest.

When Li Shang and the others came back from the outside, they didn't bother the two of them, and each found a room to rest.

There was so much movement in this palace, after Lan Zihan and others entered the palace, the palace continued to sink, and the mountain peak recovered far away.

Jiulan Yunbo and others have heard of it, but he is not very worried about them, they go out to play, everyone is not an ordinary person, and their martial arts are advanced.

(There are four more tonight.)
(End of this chapter)

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