The bloodthirsty prince and the cold concubine

Chapter 489 Heart Like Lake Water 2

Chapter 489 Heart Like Lake Water 2
Li Shang was not discouraged, and continued to make persistent efforts. Since the method of using the tigress to attract the Tiger King's attention was not feasible, he would take other routes.

He is Xiaoqiang who can't be beaten to death. It is not unusual for tigers to roar in Chenwang's mansion these days, and everyone is used to it.

At first Leng Yichen didn't care about Li Shang, but in the end, he got angry and ran to find Li Shang, and beat him with fists without saying a word.

Li Shang was Leng Yichen's opponent, even if he fought back, he was still beaten into a miserable state, which was very funny.

If it is said why Leng Yichen got angry, people don't need to guess, they would know that it was because of Lan Zihan.

Lan Zihan is pregnant now, and has the habit of resting every day, but the roar of the tiger is too loud, and she can't sleep peacefully.

Not to mention Leng Yichen, even Lan Zihan, she is also very impatient.

After Li Shang was beaten up by Leng Yichen, he learned to be good, and took the Tiger King for a walk in the bamboo forest, and after the Tiger King was threatened by Leng Yichen, naturally, such a loud roar would not happen again.

Although it can't speak, it is very spiritual.

Nangong Xueling curled her lips: "That lunatic, I'm too lazy to look for him. I guess if he can't handle the Tiger King anymore, the Tiger King will take care of him."

She doesn't dislike Li Shang's temper.

It's just that she is not interested in tigers. It's not that she has never seen tigers in modern times, so she lost that kind of heart.

Lan Zihan chuckled lightly: "Then find someone to marry."

"There are no good men in the world. I'd rather be alone and live a carefree life. How nice it is." Nangong Xueling shook her head and said with a smile.

Marriage is a very distant thing for her, she never thought about it.

If it comes, it will be safe, although she doesn't believe in fate, but this kind of thing can't be forced, not everyone in the world can be as lucky as Lan Zihan, and meet a Chen Wang who loves her like fate.

"No matter how powerful a woman is, she still needs a place to cuddle up to, a place to talk about." Lan Zihan said while leaning on Leng Yichen's arms, looking at Nangong Xueling.

The meaning of those words couldn't be more obvious.

But it is also a wise saying.

Nangong Xueling smiled, but did not speak.

Why doesn't she deserve this truth? She used to have her father's love, and she felt that she was not alone.

Now in this strange world, you have to rely on yourself for everything.

Although she has the ability to protect herself, although she has a bright mind, although she has knowledge about the 21st century.However, she didn't have anyone to confide in.

Yes, no.

She had never met anyone like that, not yet.

Perhaps, there will be no more in this life.

Then, she will live freely and recklessly, not sad for anyone, not troubled by anyone, that's very good.

Seeing that she didn't speak, Lan Zihan said lightly, "Do you like Yue Yexie?" There was a sense of casualness and laziness in her tone.

This is the first time she has asked Nangong Xueling about this matter.

When Nangong Xueling heard what Lan Zihan asked, and heard the name that had not been heard for many days, her heart trembled slightly, and a strangeness flashed across her eyes, she smiled: "I am not with him." It doesn't matter how you like it."

She and Yue Yexie had nothing to do with each other on that day, they were cleared up, and when they met again, they were enemies, no one belonged to anyone, they were just strangers.

(End of this chapter)

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