The bloodthirsty prince and the cold concubine

Chapter 490 Heart Like Lake Water 3

Chapter 490 Heart Like Lake Water 3
"You know what I mean." Lan Zihan yawned lazily and said while playing with Leng Yichen's fingers.

She felt more and more that Leng Yichen's fingers were well-knit, slender and full of strength, they were so perfect everywhere.

Leng Yichen clasped Lan Zihan's hand behind his back, and held her little hand in his palm, with a smile on his lips.

"I don't know. It's hard to say this kind of thing. It's impossible for me to be with him, so I don't need to keep the feelings I shouldn't have." Nangong Xueling propped her chin with one hand, and said casually.

She wasn't lying, but she couldn't figure out what she was thinking, so how could she answer Lan Zihan.

She doesn't know how she feels about Yue Yexie, she can't figure it out, she has never been in a relationship in the 21st century, let alone loved anyone, that feeling is so strange, she still doesn't quite understand it.

However, no matter what feelings she has for Yue Yexie, it doesn't matter anymore.

She will not give Yue Yexie another chance to strangle her neck, such a thing, only three times, twice is enough.

"It's up to you, just keep your sense of proportion and don't do things that you regret." Lan Zihan took the grapes on the table, peeled them and put them in.

If she didn't dislike Nangong Xueling, if she didn't like her straightforward and casual personality, she wouldn't let her stay in the Chen Palace for so long, and wouldn't tell her about it.

"There is no medicine for regret in this world, I know this truth." Nangong Xueling smiled lightly.

regret something?
Ha ha
She Nangong Xueling has nothing, she is not afraid of anyone at all, and she is not afraid of anyone who will hurt her, her strength is not bad.

The corners of Lan Zihan's lips curled up slightly, but she didn't speak.

Do you regret the medicine?
"Are you interested in my affairs?" Nangong Xueling looked at Lan Zihan with a smile and said.

If it is said that Lan Zihan is interested in her affairs, she will not believe it.

They have only known each other for less than a month, and their relationship is not that good yet.

Although she feels good about her, there is still a gap.

"Not interested." Lan Zihan said lightly, shaking her head.

She is not interested in the emotional dispute between Nangong Xueling and Yue Yexie, she is not so gossip, she just asks about these things casually, and has no other ideas.

"I think so too." Nangong Xueling said lazily while lying on the stone table.

It would be weird if Lan Zihan was interested in her relationship issues, she didn't gossip and like to watch dramas like Li Shang and others.

"Well, if you like it, go get it, there's nothing to hesitate." Lan Zihan got up, said something lightly, then took Leng Yichen's hand and left.

Although she and Yue Yexie are in opposition, and although she is not very familiar with Nangong Xueling, she just wants to say this, and this is not intentional.

If you like it, go for it, there is really nothing to hesitate.

Opportunities wait for no one, and she won't wait for him to slip away before looking for them, that would be too stupid.

Leng Yichen squeezed Lan Zihan's hand slightly, Lan Zihan raised her eyes and looked at him puzzled, seeing the pampering and love in his eyes, she smiled.

If she likes Leng Yichen, then she will be strong, make it clear, and not let herself be troubled all the time.

Rather than being entangled in troubles here, it is better to be more realistic in action.

Nangong Xueling is not that kind of indecisive woman, it's just that she doesn't see her own heart clearly.

(End of this chapter)

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