Chapter 503 Ingenuity 1
However, the princess hugged Lan Zihan's body and tried it out, no matter how she looked at it, she was so coordinated.

"Sturdy girl, what is a princess hug?" Li Shang asked puzzled.

Is there any difference between Leng Yichen and Lan Zihan? He doesn't see it.

Nangong Xueling smiled sweetly: "Want to know?"

Li Shang nodded, with an expression like I didn't want to know what you were doing.

Nangong Xueling hooked her fingers towards Li Shang, motioning him to come closer.

Li Shang rolled his eyes and moved his head a little closer. The meaning was obvious, and now he could say it.

Seeing Li Shang's appearance, Nangong Xueling smiled: "Go let Luo Yan hug you, and you will know what the princess hugs, haha."

No matter how you look at Li Shang, you will feel happy, and no matter how you look at it, it will be fun.

However, it is not easy to ridicule him for his success. Today I finally had a good time, and I am in a particularly good mood.

The corners of Li Shang's eyes twitched, he was speechless.

Is this woman so idle?
He has nothing to do, he has decided that he will not ask for advice humbly in the future, he has no reputation.

"Haha." Leng Luoyan was also amused listening to it.

He imagined the scene of him hugging Li Shang, and he was horrified.

The corner of Mo Wuchen's mouth curled up, and he turned a page of the book and continued to read.

Li Shang hooked his fingers at Nangong Xueling, and said with a smile: "If you want to experience the princess hug, I don't mind doing it for you to comfort your weak heart and satisfy you."

Leng Luoyan hugged him, and he was horrified when he thought about it, so the shocking picture is still unnecessary.

Nangong Xueling rolled her eyes: "I don't have time to do such idle things, the princess hugs me, my taste is out of tune."

She Nangong Xueling is such a sturdy woman, being hugged by a princess, what a funny scene.

Although Lan Zihan is also a strong and domineering master, she is pregnant now, so it's okay to hug her.

"You don't have much taste." Li Shang lay on the soft couch and said casually.

Taste what that is, all the women he knows are so tough, so powerful, tsk tsk.
Nangong Xueling played with the wine glass: "I'm too lazy to talk to people like you. If you want to talk about taste, someone with a baby face has the best taste."

Li Shang's baby face is so cute no matter how you look at it, and how interesting it is no matter how you look at it.

Leng Luoyan nodded in agreement: "I also think that whoever has seen a man with such a cute face is detrimental to his image." He really has never seen a man with such a delicate, perfect and lovely face.

However, it is undeniable that Li Shang is unique, as is his temperament and character, which cannot be learned by others.

Li Shang whistled: "I know you envy me, but you can't envy me. When you see your ancestors, go complain again, haha."

What happened to the baby face, his baby face is still fascinated by a group of people.

Leng Luoyan: "."

Nangong Xueling: "."

The degree of narcissism of this guy is also good.

"Did you design that wedding dress?" Leng Luoyan raised her eyes and asked Nangong Xueling.

He decided not to mess with that shameless guy.

Nangong Xueling nodded: "It's me. Zihan is pregnant, so she won't do these things. Leave everything to me. I will draw the wedding dress. You can find some good embroiderers and I will teach you how to do it." They make it."

(End of this chapter)

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