Chapter 504 Ingenuity 2
She had to make the wedding dress herself, except for Lan Zihan, none of them had ever seen what a wedding dress looked like.

Leng Yichen would definitely not let Lan Zihan do it herself, so she was the only one to do it.

Thinking about how Nangong Xueling was a dangerous person in modern times, she was always protected by bodyguards all day long, but here, she had to personally draw wedding dresses for others and come up with ideas, this is a big reversal.

"Okay, I will arrange it." Leng Luoyan nodded and said in a deep voice.

They didn't understand the clothes in that world, so they couldn't make them, so she had to teach them in person.

"Luo Yan, shouldn't it be time for the Luo Palace to change into a new look, so as to be ingenious." Li Shang looked at Leng Luoyan with raised eyebrows.

"Well, I know that." Leng Luoyan nodded, he also knew this, the mansion must be taken care of, and the wedding must be unique.

Nangong Xueling smiled slightly: "That Zihan should have figured out how to arrange it. You just need to wait for her to draw the blueprint before you arrange it."

If she guessed correctly, Lan Zihan would draw the blueprint of how to arrange Luo Wangfu.

She is not a weak woman, and she can't work too hard during pregnancy, but she can still draw drawings.

If Leng Yichen wasn't there, she thought, Lan Zihan would not be so leisurely watching them busy.

"Okay, I see." Leng Luoyan smiled and nodded.

Everything has been arranged, just waiting to be arranged.

Sure enough, as soon as Leng Yichen and Lan Zihan returned to the room, Lan Zihan said to Leng Yichen: "Chen, go to Luowang Mansion tomorrow, let me see the location and structure over there."

She never thought that she would be bored in the mansion all day, except for sleeping. This is not her style of Lan Zihan.

Leng Yichen spoiled with a smile: "Okay, I will accompany you tomorrow." He knew that she was not a master of security, and it was not easy to be able to raise a baby in the mansion in these few months.

He doesn't intend to imprison her freedom either, as long as it's what she likes and doesn't harm her, he won't object.

Furthermore, Lan Zihan is a measured person, she can distinguish everything clearly.

"Okay." Lan Zihan nodded with a smile.

She rubbed her chin with her little hand, stared at Leng Yichen with her phoenix eyes, looked at his enchanting and perfect face, her deep and deep eyes shining like stars, her thin lips were pursed into a straight line, and there was that doting look between her brows , bringing a touch of softness to that chiseled face.

Wild and handsome, unruly and arrogant, cold and domineering.

He is so outstanding and perfect, the darling of heaven, who gave him all the beauty in the world.

If he puts on a modern suit, his slender and straight figure will show his perfect figure.Even if he was wearing a suit, he might not be able to cover up the imperial aura on his body. Instead, he had a kind of cold and arrogant temperament. An emperor is an emperor everywhere, and he is a strong man, and the world can only look up to him.

"What are you looking at, isn't your husband pretty?" Leng Yichen looked at Lan Zihan's focused and profound eyes, and the corners of his lips curled up.

He liked that she was looking at him like this, and that her gaze was focused on him.

Lan Zihan hooked her fingers at Leng Yichen, and chuckled softly: "Come here and I'll tell you." It is undeniable that Leng Yichen is good-looking and perfect, and I am afraid that there will be no second person in the world come out.

Leng Yichen stepped forward, squatted in front of her, and said with a smile, "How is it?"

In front of her, he has no temper and indulges her.

(End of this chapter)

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