Chapter 529 Do You Like It
Nangong Xueling glared at Li Shang: "You can tease me." She didn't even realize whether it was good or not, so how could there be any difference, it's pure nonsense.

Li Shang curled his lips into a smile: "What do you think, do you like Yue Yexie?"

Nangong Xueling frowned, and said in a deep voice: "I don't like it, I don't like people who want to hurt me and kill me several times."

Like it?Not really.

She once gave Yue Yexie a chance, but he didn't cherish it, so who can blame him.

Besides, liking is something that is good for you.

She couldn't tell, she didn't know the way, and she couldn't figure out what she was thinking.

The corner of Li Shang's mouth was slightly pursed, he stopped suddenly, turned to look at Nangong Xueling: "Then do you like me?"

Does she like him, he wants to know, that's what he wants to ask.

Nangong Xueling stopped in her tracks and waved one hand in front of Li Shang: "You don't have a fever, do you?" She only felt that Li Shang's behavior today was a little abnormal, which was different from usual.

Li Shang shook his head, suppressed the smile in his eyes, looked at Nangong Xueling seriously and said, "I like you, so I want to know, do you like me?"

Yes, he likes her, he doesn't know when he started to like her.

Maybe it's because of the days spent with her day and night, maybe it's because of her teasing and bickering, maybe it's because of her fiery and direct temperament, maybe it's because of her truthfulness, watching her every frown and smile, I don't know when, his A heart gradually sinks.

He likes her, he knows the feelings in his heart, he has sorted out the feelings in his heart, but he has been covering it up and not saying it.

He wasn't afraid, he just didn't feel the need to speak out.

But now, he wants to speak out, he wants to ask her, and wants to know what's on her mind.

He can let go, if he likes it, he likes it, if he doesn't, he doesn't.He won't use any extreme methods to make her fall in love with him, what he wants is the purest feeling.

"Li Shang, are you joking?" Nangong Xueling stared at Li Shang, as if she wanted to see it from his face.

He said he liked her, and he wondered if she liked him too.

Although the way she gets along with Li Shang is very good, she has never thought about this issue, nor has she ever thought about it.

So now that I can hear Li Shang asking this question, I just feel that it is too sudden, and I still have a little unbelievable.

"What do you think, I'm asking you seriously." Li Shang shook his head and said.

Are you kidding me?Although he likes to joke, there are some things that he never jokes about.

He never joked about things like that, he really wanted to know how she treated him.

The smile in Nangong Xueling's eyes disappeared, she punched Li Shang's chest, and said viciously: "Next time I want to talk about this, let me prepare, damn, it's so sudden, who knows how to answer .”

She didn't know how to answer, so that was all she could do.

This question was too sudden, so sudden that she had no choice.

She will not casually deal with Li Shang, because she regards Li Shang as a friend, exchanging heart for heart, they all treat themselves sincerely, how can she deceive him, how can she hurt him.

Li Shang held the hand she wanted to take back, and smiled: "So, tough girl, do you really like me?" He won't give her a chance to back down, if you have anything to say, it's enough to say it once, and then Procrastination, who knows what time it is.

(End of this chapter)

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