Chapter 530
Nangong Xueling frowned slightly, and shook her head: "I don't know, you know, these things have never been within the scope of my consideration, and I have never thought about them. So, I don't know."

For her, emotional matters are dispensable. She has not seriously thought about who she likes or who she will marry in the future.

Because she never worried about those things, she just let nature take its course.

Li Shang laughed, and was about to say something, but was stopped by Nangong Xueling's next sentence.

"Li Shang, give me some time, I will think it through, and then I will give you an answer. I will not perfunctory you now, saying that I like you or not, because it is fake and irresponsible So, give me a while, and I will let you know when I think it through." Nangong Xueling looked at Li Shang with fixed eyes, and said seriously.

These things that she didn't worry about before, things that she didn't want to touch, now that someone has found them out, she has to think about them seriously.

"Okay, I'll wait for your reply." Li Shang pursed his lips slightly, and a smile flashed across his eyes.

He also knew that his question today was too sudden and caught people off guard. He had the time to wait, and he would not rush her.

No matter what the answer is, whether it is joy or sorrow, he can accept it.

He was able to persuade Mo Wuchen back then, and he can persuade himself now that he and Mo Wuchen are the same kind of person.

"Let's go, where is that tigress? Why haven't I seen it for a long time?" Nangong Xueling raised her chin and asked Li Shang.

It had been a while since she and Li Shang entered this forest, and they didn't hear a whistling sound.

"Last time." Before Li Shang finished his sentence, he was interrupted by a whistling sound from a distance.

"Ho Ho." The voice was not as majestic and oppressive as Tiger King's, but it was quite imposing.

Li Shang and Nangong Xueling looked at each other, and they both had a feeling of saying Cao Cao Cao Cao.

"Look, I said that there is a tigress here, go, go and tame her to the Tiger King." Li Shang pointed to the source of the sound in front of him with his flute.

"Well, let's go." Nangong Xueling's eyes glowed brightly, urging Li Shang to set off towards that place quickly.

"Ho Ho." The tiger let out another rage.

The further the two set off, the sound of the tiger's roar became closer and clearer.

When the two turned over a bamboo forest, they saw a group of people in clothes watching the tiger.

There were about six or seven people surrounding the tigress, with serious faces and a little blood dripping from the sharp weapon in their hands.

The tigress was surrounded in the middle, a little blood was flowing under the tiger's body, and the hair was also stained red with a little blood, and she looked at the surrounding people with fierce eyes.

Nangong Xueling frowned slightly: "Li Shang, these people are entrusted to you."

She is not a wicked person, nor is she a kind person.But each of the seven people in front of them had a fierce look on their faces, and the greedy look in their eyes was fleeting.

Is that trying to subdue this tigress and use it to make money?

Or do you want to kill this tigress and sell it?
Seeing the greedy look in the eyes of several people, she was sure it was the latter.

"Well, just leave it to me." Li Shang nodded, narrowed his eyes slightly, looked at the few people who were besieging the tigress, and snorted coldly: "If you want that tiger so much, don't ask me if I agree with it." .”

If he dares to hurt the tigress he wants, he will die.

(End of this chapter)

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