Chapter 531
The seven people who were besieging the tigress all stopped their movements when they heard the voice from behind, and turned their heads to look.

It was a handsome, baby-faced man.Beside him was a beautiful woman in blue.

A slightly older man looked at the man in front of him and said sharply, "Boy, it's best not to mess with us, what should you do?"

Several people are headed by him, it is not difficult to see that he is the leader of the seven.

Li Shang spread his hands and said with a smile: "I don't want to get in." Then the expression on his face disappeared, and he said in a deep voice: "But, I want that tiger."

Don't mess with them, hehe, when was he ever afraid of Li Shang?

"Boy, if you don't choose the road for you, you can't blame us for looking for death." The leading man narrowed his eyes slightly, and said coldly to Li Shang.

Then with a big wave of his hand, he ordered the people behind him: "Come on, kill that kid, and capture the woman beside him."

In his opinion, the man with the baby face was so harmless and had no power.On the contrary, the blue-clothed woman next to him is extremely beautiful, so it would be a good choice to catch her back and play.

"Yes." The people behind them all swarmed up and moved towards the two of them.

Li Shang still had a harmless and easy-going look, but when he heard what the leader said and saw the obscene look in their eyes, his expression suddenly sank: "I'm courting death."

After speaking, the figure flew up and quickly walked towards the few people.

It's nothing to say about him, but if you dare to say Nangong Xueling, if you dare to have such an attempt on her, you will die.

Standing in front of the six people, he sneered coldly: "If you want to seek death, I will help you." The flute in his hand spun and attacked them.

The technique was so weird and ever-changing that the six of them couldn't see where the flute was at all.

"Damn, what the hell." One of them shouted angrily, flew up, and swiped the long sword in his hand towards Li Shang.

The rest of the people also flew up, aiming at Li Shang with the long swords in their hands.

Li Shang sneered, and waved the flute towards the six people, and the invisible internal force was also used to hit the six people.

The six people looked at his actions and all smiled with disdain.That look seemed to be saying that even a broken flute would dare to use it to make a fool of yourself.

However, in the next second, the expressions on their faces froze, and they looked down at the bloodstain on their chest, in disbelief.

It is obviously just a flute with no attack power, why can it hurt them?

"Let's all go to hell." Li Shang sneered coldly, summoning up a burst of internal energy to strike at the six people.

The six turned around and wanted to leave, but Li Shang's attack followed immediately.

"Pfft..." The bodies of the six people who had just turned around trembled, spit out a large mouthful of blood, and their figures fell straight to the ground.

There is no breath of life anymore.

"Damn it." The leader was angry when he saw this scene.

He didn't expect that such a harmless-looking man could pick the six of them by himself.

He underestimated him too much.

Li Shang smiled coldly: "Are you going to die yourself, or let me go in person." He will not let the leader go.

If it wasn't for his instructions, he wouldn't be so angry in the section where the six people would not have died, it was all because of him.

"Joke, who would go to die by himself." The leader's eyes narrowed slightly, the eyes were quite small, so narrowed, even his eyes could not be seen.

(End of this chapter)

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